~Nopal pt1~

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After a wild ride from the beast, we arrived at Nopal. Asra and I thanked the beast for taking us here, once again. The desert was as dry as always, not too dry, not too wet, its just perfect! After walking a few steps, we reach an inviting house.

"Go inside and take a rest first, I'll get some water for us," Asra spoke, opening the door for me to head in.

"Thanks Asra," I thanked him and smiled, heading into the house. It was as nice as I came here for the first time. I plopped myself down the bed, taking a deep breath. Even though we didn't walk by feet much today, I felt exhausted. I drifted off to sleep in no time.

"Agh.." I woke up to the smell of Selasi's pumpkin bread. Hmph, Asra was eating without me? I laughed as I got up, looking at Asra.

"Ah! I have been caught!" Asra joked, leading both of us to laugh. He came closer to the bed, "I heated up the bread, I figured you would like them if they're heated up," Asra gave me a little hug and gave me a kiss on the forehead, I stood up and hugged him back, I should've planted a kiss on his neck but didn't get the chance.

"Thanks again, Asra," I gave him a warm smile and took a piece of bread, "Mm, it's still filled with flavour!" if it was not Selasi's bread, it could've been very dry and flavourless by now! I really wonder what he puts in his bread, it is just, magical!

"Wanna go outside for awhile? Maybe we can get some fresh air," Asra asked, I decide to..

• Choice 1- "Of course, it can help us to raise our spirits for the night."
• Choice 2- "No, I wanna stay inside and enjoy some time resting."

(If you chose "No, I wanna stay inside and enjoy some time resting," skip 11 paragraphs from now)
(If you chose "Of course, it can help us to raise our spirits for the night," continue.)

"Of course, it can help us to raise our spirits for the night," I replied, it could be a great chance to stargaze.

We walk out the door, the Beast was still resting in the yard. I went over to it and petted it's back.

"Ah, the sky is beautiful tonight isn't it?" Asra sat on the sand, looking up at the sky.

I walked over and sat beside him, "Yes, it is," I put a smile on my face, not even looking at the sky.

"Hm? Confusing me with the sky?" Asra looked over, laughing.

"Sorry, but your eyes just caught my eye," I returned the look and continued to stare at him.

He planted a few kisses on my cheek before laying his head on my chest, "I love it when you start to give compliments," he said, I gave him kisses on the forehead, laughing at him.

"Compliments? You'll be getting them a lot from me," I giggled before I continued, "Because that's how perfect you are."

"You're so sweet, I'm glad I fell in love with you," Asra closed his eyes, enjoying the cold air, with his fluffy white hair tickling my chest.

"Haha, same to you," I laughed, kissing him gently, with my hands flowing through his soft hair.

He soon fell asleep on my chest, I smiled at him when I planted one last kiss on his neck. I hugged him and drifted off to slumber.

(Choice for "No, I wanna stay inside and enjoy some time resting," starts now, if you chose "Of course, it can help us raise our spirits for the night," skip 9 paragraphs from now)

"No, I wanna stay inside and enjoy some time resting," I declined, I like to have some time relaxing.

"Mm, alright.." Asra smiled as he sat on the bed, taking a few deep breaths.

I sat beside him, giggling as I cover my mouth, letting out a sigh. The air is warm and fuzzy, making it easier to relax. Asra looked over with a smile on his face.

"Do you need some more warmth?" Asra let out a smirk, then bursting out laughing.

I laugh together with him, "I wouldn't mind some extra warmth, would you?" I gave him a little smile, getting closer to him.

"I'm the one getting the warmth?" Asra laughed, letting me lean onto his chest.

"Extra warmth to you, Asra," I smiled, kissing his neck.

I closed my eyes, dozing off to sleep, it's just hard to not sleep in his hands..

"Goodnight, my love," Asra kissed me one last time on the forehead before he went to sleep himself.

I woke up to the sound of people's footsteps, I notice Nopal crowded with townspeople. I took a few deep breaths and looked at Asra, noticing that he's also awake, eyes half closed.

Asra gets up and plants a gentle kiss on my cheek, "Good morning.." he said with a soft and tired voice.

"Good morning, Asra," I get up, yawning as if I didn't sleep last night. Though I did have a great rest, one of the best I had in awhile..

~to be continued.

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