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After the semester sivaangi's interest grew higher on knowing the mystery behind the recurring dream. That was the last day of semester vaccation. Zara and sivaangi scooted off their bike to the iyer's residence near the temple. Zara and sivaangi haven't told this with any of their friends since they might be bemused about the superstition. Sivaangi dressed in a pastel pink crop top with the cream palazzo pant. She had a thin rosegold bracelet in her hand. Her hair was curled at the end. And she matched a white stone stud with the outfit. They were travelling in zara's vespa.

Ashwin was thoroughly set for his entry into sivaangi's life this time. He made an arrangement to get into dr.hills college with estee. The yearning for her by him in this two years, he learnt the self-restraint. He can handle himself perfectly well without showing the emotions in his countenance now. After getting the blessings from ruthran, ashwin flown to her house. He used the orenda the power to get invisible. When he stepped on the top of her house his vindictive heart started thudding at full tilt. His lungs struggled. The venomous fangs retreated. His occult blood rushed and hit the veins in high speed. His larger than life wings made their way inside his body. Once he transformed himself to look like a normal human despite of being invisible he jumped down and entered her room. He was expecting to see her in there but she wasn't there. But his nose sniffed her scent in the room. There was no photo of her in her room. He looked around like a baby seeing its mother for the first time. His ears were alert and he heard the conversation which was going on down stairs.

Durga: "kamala sivaangi veetuku varapo orange juice potu veichuru. Nanum avarum konjam velaiya porom"
(Kamala prepare orange juice for sivaangi after she comes back home. We both have some work today so we are leaving)

sivaangi's mother ordered the help to make juice for sivaangi and left.

Overhearing this ashwin got downstairs. No one could see him. That is when ruthran telepathically communicated with ashwin. Ruthran's image flashed before his eyes like a holographic call.

Ruthran: "sivaangi abbathula iruka, poi kapathu"
(Sivaangi is in danger, go save her)

Ashwin's brain burst in a second. He immediately got upstairs and flew. Since he sniffed her scent it helped him to track her. Within minutes he was there flying above her. When he started to get closer to her. He could feel her presence. When the aroma of her was strong he stopped and he stood on the branch of a banyan tree beside the residence. There she was standing, slowly the breeze caressed her hair which made him see her face from the side. His whole body froze. His eyes couldn't believe what he was seeing it turned red. It was the same face but looks so different. Her smile came as an arrow and pierced his heart. His mind started to overlap vilva's face with sivaangi's.

Ashwin: "vilva" his lips parted.

He tightened his grip on the branch which was above him with his one hand. Every single memory he have with sivaangi's soul started playing in his head. The one moment he was restricting himself from thinking, it again played subconsciously. It was his vilva's lips against his. He felt it just like that was happening in present. His body felt like it was holding a lightening from striking him. It felt the pain. It was like she is trying to take all his strength with a magnet. It was so real and he could feel her lips against his now. He closed his eyes dwelling in the moment. But then he seized himself from reminiscing by focusing on sivaangi's face with a sigh. He could sense the energy radiating from her. He couldn't stand there anymore he was shattered. Why would destiny decided to take her away from him? His mind couldn't stop its emotional overflow. As a vampire you feel emotions gazillion times deeper than a human. She looks beautiful as ever. He wants to use orenda and go near her but that is when he remembered what ruthran recounted, She is in danger.

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