Chapter 15

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Em and I slowly walked to the dorms in silence.

What does this all mean?

Only half?

I already knew I had the ability to control Water, fire and telekinesis.

So would I be getting more powers? More things to control?

I sighed and noticed that we had come to a halt outside the boy’s door.

“You’ll be fine Saph. I have so much faith in you.” She said hugging me.

I can do this. I can do this I said repeating myself. Hopefully I’d start believing it.

“Come on” Em said opening the door and walking in and going over to the sofas where the boys were.

“What did Tommy say sis?” Dane said looking up from his phone.

“How did you-”

“I saw it about two minutes ago. I can see the future remember.” He said going back to his phone.

“Oh, right. Um he just told me to be careful about some stuff.” I said not really wanting to talk about it. I’m guessing he gathered that because he didn’t reply.

I looked around the room and saw that Dane was sitting with Em on a two seater and Chase, Jaydon and Leo were sitting on the bigger sofa playing some game on their flat screen.

I had no idea where to go or what to do.

It was like I had forgotten who I was in that spit second.

Who was I kidding? I was the schools loner back home. I hardly spoke to anyone. I only spoke when I was spoken why was I pretending to be this sociable person? A few weeks ago and I’d never even think about talking to a bunch of strangers and exposing my powers to them. Regardless of whether they were like me. I functioned best alone and I was going to do something I should have done from the start.

Get the fuck out of this place.

I walked back out the door making sure I didn’t shut it too loudly and walked down the corridors till I found the lift to go down back to the courtyard at the front of school.

As I was walking down the corridors I felt like I’d been here a long, long time ago. I felt like this place was a second home to me.

The carpet, the walls, the smell of the corridors. It all felt so homey...Knowing my crazy past probably had been here before.

I eventually found a lift and pressed the button to go down.

It only took around five seconds before the doors opened and I came face to face with Erion.

Just great.

“Excuse me.” I said bluntly. Hoping he’d just move out of my way. I didn’t have time for his stupid games. I just wanted to be me.

He looked up at me and then disappeared quickly.

Well that was easy...

I pushed it to the back of my mind and went into the lift.

Something in my gut was telling me that I couldn’t run from myself anymore. I couldn’t just remove myself from a situation I didn’t like, even if it was something I’d been doing for the past 10 years. Now was the time to find myself.

I exited the dorm area and walked straight to the woods for some thinking time.

I was getting closer and I could just about smell the fresh air that the forest always creates. I could smell the dampness of the soil, hear the birds singing to each other and the view was just magnificent. The luscious green trees were dancing from left to right and the sky was as clear as anything. I couldn’t see a cloud for miles. The sun was shining down on parts of the trees and it made me fall in love with this place even more.

I wanted to find a clearing so I could do some sketching or maybe practice my ballet positions. That was the real me. Expressing myself through forms of art was always my thing.

I guess this is a good starting point. Going back to what made

As I wove in and out of the trees and branches, something told me to do a right through the thickest part which was covered with spiky bushes and trees.

I decided to try and make myself a path so I wouldn’t have to fight my way through them like Tarzan.

I focused on splitting the bulky trees and fruit bushes so I could walk through them. I put my arms in front of me and separated them, slowly moving the trees and bushes.

I’d done things like this many times back home so I knew it would be safe. I was gradually starting to see a clearing and what I saw took my breath away.

The grass was high and thick. I’d say it came to around my thighs and there was a lake further on. Towards the left side of the lake there was a wooden bench that looked well used. Birds were perched on tree branches and you could see the odd squirrels dashing around. It was amazing.

Had I found someone’s safe haven?

I didn’t care if I did. This place just oozed calmness and at a time like this I really needed it because something didn’t feel right. I didn’t feel right.

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