Chapter 5

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Shuling released a sigh.

Her eyelids were heavy and her skin was coated in a disgusting layer of sweat. Even with the fan rotating furiously above her head, sweat continued to slide down her skin. Unfortunately for Shuling, no matter how cold it was, she was somehow still able to sweat.

She had been trying her hardest to stay awake in class. With every monotonous word Mr Ahmed droned, her head swung dangerously close to the table. Other students remained alert and attentive, while she fought the urge to slump over in her seat. The cooling weather and light drizzle outside was the perfect weather to sleep in.

"Okay, dismissed. Have a good lunch break and then go for your Special Classes," instructed Mr Ahmed, scooping his beloved maths textbook into his hairy arms and strolling out the classroom.

Special Classes. Ever since they merged schools, all the classes that weren't academic, for example: Writing, Arts and Music, were all listed under 'special'. Odd, since their school was a School of the Arts in the first place. 

"Meet you guys back at the dorm. I need to meet Ms. Yoon early," informed Wilma, giving Shuling a light pat on the shoulder. "I have to buy new utensils. I don't even know if I have money left to eat," grimaced Sayori, counting the coins in her purse. 

Shuling flashed them her favourite over-bright smile and stuffed her file into her bag, waving goodbye to her friends till they met back at the dorm. Slinging both straps of her bag over her shoulder, she trailed out of class. She had about three hours worth of lunch break to just stroll around the school.

Just as she was about to pluck out her phone from her pocket while heading down the empty corridor, she heard a weird screech ring in her ear.


Shuling covered her ears, searching around for the rude source of noise. Firstly, Shuling wasn't well-liked in the school. Yelling her name down an empty corridor was trying to get her executed. Secondly, whoever screamed at her had one of the most annoying screams she had ever heard.

"What?" She snapped, clenching her fists. "Over here!" Cried out the voice. "Where?" She muttered, spinning around a few times. "I only see a crow staring at me," she pointed out, staring straight at the crow. "I don't see you. You must be microscopic."

The crow squawked furiously and leapt off the windowsill it was perched on and tackled her straight in the face. "AH!" She shrieked and lost her balance, her back making contact with the gray floor. A stab of pain shot through her body as she made an effort to inhale the oxygen that was knocked out of her lungs.

"NOW DO YOU SEE ME?" cawed the crow, scratching its talon along her delicate skin, drawing blood. She winced and shoved the bird off her, wiping the blood off her arm with her shirt. "It is I, Thunder, the magnificent crow of the heavens!" announced Thunder proudly, puffing his chest out. "You scratched me," she whined, getting back onto her feet as she tried to stop the blood from dripping out of her arm.

She fixed Thunder with a hard stare, her eyes clouding. "Did Deity send you?"

"Deity- No. I came on my own accord. Be honoured, human."

"How are you the 'Crow of the Heavens' if you don't even know Deity?"

Thunder glared at her, smoothing out his feathers.

Great job Shuling, you have officially lost it. First you are revived from the dead and next you are talking to a bird.

"You understand me?" pressed Thunder, hopping onto her shoulder. She swatted at him but he ducked away with ease. "Yes," she replied, this time managing to push Thunder onto her other shoulder. "I knew it. I sensed a shift in nature the moment I watched you wake up from your 'nap'. None of your other friends understood me, but you can comprehend me. Excellent. Let's get working on being a crow now-" Thunder was cut off by a loud shriek.

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