The Old Order is Challenged

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The ramp leading off the Gotland's ship was silent outside of the creaking of metal as the ship swayed gently, just before a MOWAG Piranha rolled down the ramb before turning towards the city of Hiroshima, away from the harbor. The school's tank insignia was plastered on both sides of the vehicle before it was joined by two police cars, going Code 2(only emergency lights) for the protection of other vehicles and pedestrians.

Inside the vehicle was a young man with light blonde hair, wearing a black jacket, white pants, and had a black cape with a white underside tied to the neck, with the entire outfit having golden trimmings. Across from him was MEXT's Head of School Carrier's Division, Renta Tsuji in his recognizable black suit and glasses. "I pulled a lot of strings in order to get a boys team on the national ticket. I hope you do not waste the opportunity."

The young man glanced to the view port before humming. "I understand, sir. But do keep in mind, I fight for my school first, and MEXT second. I understand that a mix of Boys and Girls teams would bring great profit anyways for MEXT. And we are taking Vikings' place in the Nationals, since they do not have any kind of leadership as of now."

"Mister Tojo, please refrain from such comments. And besides, you did some good work in the short time that you have been at Gustav. No doubt your name would become one of legend and history, presenting a legacy that even you cannot fathom." Renta stated, pushing his glasses up. " I'm sure you want to make a name-"

"For myself, I know. Just keep in mind that we will be at a disadvantage when facing a powerhouse. Even one such as Saunders, let alone Pravda or Kuromuromine." Tojo responded.

"Walter, keep that up, and you will not make it out of the first bracket." Walter sighed before humming. "We're here."

The Piranha came to a stop before the back ramp lowered and Walter stepped out and began to walk towards the convention center. Ahead of him, his SiC waited before giving a salute. "Commander Walter, sir."

Walter chuckled before nodding. "Captain Leo, good to see you. Have our seats reserved?" The boy from the second year nodded before the pair walked into the center. "Good. Be on guard, no matter what, and we will get through."

Leo chuckled before they walked through the lobby, gain some curious glances from several Shensha-do practitioners before they entered the main auditorium and walking to their seats. "Sir... some are giving nasty glares..." Leo mused, intimidated by several of the young ladies present.

Walter hummed. "Nothing is more intimidating than a tank gun. Keep that in mind." Leo nodded before the lights dimmed and a rather large man walked onto the stage. "Good afternoon all! Before we get started with the formation of the First Bracket's matchups, I want to make an announcement! The 62nd Sensha-do Nationals will be hosting a new team based off the Swedish Army: Gustav Boys Military Academy. Will Commander Walter Tojo stand up, please?"

Walter stood up before crossing his arms slightly before the man went on. "MEXT and the Federation has given the greenlight for the Academy to form and partake in Sensha-do for this tournament. Please treat them well, ladies!" He bowed before leaving the stage, with Walter sighing and sitting down, noting that the judges have moved up to start calling for school commanders to select a number. He zoned out before he heard the following: Gustav Boys Military Academy, Commander Walter Tojo, please come forward."

"Here goes nothing..." He stood up before entering the center isle and walking towards the stage. Glares and looks of distrust fell upon the young man, and they only intensified as KMM and Pravda were in the front, and were considered to be the standards for High School Sensha-do. Not a word was said, and the silence was deafening as he ascended the steps and came upon the bowl.

Without hesitation, Walter stuck his hand into the bowl and pulled out a number: 5. Walter looked up before noting his opponent, bowing to the judges and replacing the number as he left the stage, closing his eyes as he resumed his seat. Leo leaned over before whispering. "Sir... our luck isn't that good..."

"I know. Anzio, and they will have the home field advantage in this match. And out overall doctrines are similar. The only differences are the following: Overall more firepower for us, and more experience for them. We shall see how it plays out." Walter remarked quietly, already beginning to formulate plans for the match.

Across the isle, the recognizable red of Saint Gloriana Girls' College. The girls looked on to the two Gustav boys with interest before a certain quote loving commander spoke freely. "From the North, a Lion shakes the Old Order."

A woman next to her, with blonde hair, chuckled. "Mister Walter holds confidence, despite the inexperience. His friend seems more... contentious of his appearance to others. Quite the duo, don't you think, Darjeeling?" "Indeed Assam. The fact Walter arrived in an armored vehicle alone is a statement, one that most would be foolish to ignore."

Up at the front, the entire Black Forest team was agitated, with one in particular making a fuss about it. "Why are we even allowing this? We should have done something to prevent them from even entering this room!"

The Commander sighed. "Erika, calm yourself. Their commander is clearly respected by the team, even if he is a first year, and facing Anzio would be a good baptism of fire to determine if they can even hold together before facing off against stronger opponents." "But Commander-" "No 'buts'. I've studied the school's theme and their potential lineup. They have a great potential based of the potential fielded force to reach the semifinals if they play their cards right."

Walter kept his eyes closed before the lights came on again. "Captain, let's get going. No fraternizing. We must prepare immediately." Leo nodded as the pair stood up, carefully weaving their way towards the exit before they were stopped by two St. Glo students. "Commander Walter, is it?" The blonde, blue-eyed woman spoke.

Walter nodded curtly. "And to whom am I speaking?" The woman chuckled slightly. "Where are my manners? I'm Darjeeling, Commander of Saint Gloriana. I cannot help but wonder why males would want to shake the Old Order up?"

Walter snorted slightly before humming. "How about I invite you and your inner circle as my guests at our match? Perhaps you will learn why we are in the tournament." Darjeeling only smiled before nodding. "We would be honored. Forgive us for prevent your leave. G'day." Walter inclined his head before nodding to Leo, who was kinda preoccupied with a certain Blizzard of Pravda. "Leo. Quit daydreaming and leave the Soviet. Nu går vi." Leo nodded. "Ja herre."

As the two made their way through the lobby, many from KMM and Pravda were still throwing the nasty glares, but many kept to themselves as the two males were shadowed by St. Glo's team before the pair entered the Piranha. "That was uncomfortable. Especially from that Pravda girl." Leo complained.

Walter sighed. "You were being stared down by Pravda's resident Marksman, who is also known as the Blizzard. Pravda is the Soviet Union. Do not get comfy with them, or you will be removed from command, Förstått?" Leo nodded before sighing. "Ja herre, Commander. Sweden never trusted the Soviets anyways..."

The vehicle started moving back towards the harbor, with Walter leaning forward. "Now, Anzio is the Italians, who are not known for their tanks. But they have Tankettes. They are small and fast, well suited for similar warfare that we have trained in the last few months. Here's the plan..." Walter explained the plan to Leo during the ride before the pair discussed it further before ging a good briefing to their team....

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