~ The Genie of the Lamp ~

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~-=+=- Based on the original Disney cartoon; 1992 -=+=-~

Katsuki's head hurt like hell. Actually, worse than hell. He had never been there personally, but if it was any worse than how he felt after falling three stories and crashing into the wall at least four or five times, then he was really worried for whatever was going to happen to him after he died.

Carpet adjusted so Katsuki was sitting up, slowly getting more awake. "Holy shit, my head," he groaned, putting his face in his hands. Taking a deep breath, he looked through his fingers towards the entrance to the cave, which was now sealed off, and instead of in pain, he became angry. "We're trapped!" He quickly stood up, ignoring the pain he felt, and shook his fists forcefully towards the place where Shouto had let him fall. "That two faced son-of-a-bitch! He's probably long fucking gone by now."

Katsuki huffed and sat down on a nearby rock. Eijirou, suddenly remembering something, pulled something out of who knows where, making the boy's eyes widen and a sick grin spread across his face.

"You fuzzy little bastard!" He cried, taking the lamp from Eijirou's paws. "I don't get why he wanted this. Looks like a beat-up, worthless piece of shit. But it must be worth something if that's the only thing he wanted." He paused and looked around. "Also, it's the only thing that didn't turn into lava." Katsuki squinted at the lamp; there were words written there, but he couldn't make them out because of the layers of dust that covered it. "I think there's something written here," he remarked. "I can't fuckin' read it, though."

Using his vest, he began to rub off the dust covering whatever was written. But before he got the chance to look, a sun colored smoke began coming out of the spout. The lamp began to shake, glowing a bright yellow, but Katsuki held on, eyes wide in amazement. The light flashed and he closed his eyes; when he opened them, he saw something he never thought possible.

"Aaaaahhhh! Oy! Ten thousand years will give ya such a crick in the neck!" In front of Katsuki was what looked somewhat like a man, although the bottom half of his body was just a wisp of yellow smoke. Whoever it was had blond hair with a black streak in it and electric yellow eyes to match and was at least four times taller than the thief was. As he spoke, he pulled off his head and spun it around, yelling as he did so.

"What the ever-loving shit...?" Katsuki muttered, dropping the lamp onto the ground in shock. The only thing he could think of was that he hit his head way too hard and was now either dead or at least hallucinating.

"Woah, does it feel good to be outta there!" The man exclaimed. He grabbed the part of his body that was connected to the lamp, which had somehow transformed into a microphone, holding it up to his face. "Nice to be back, ladies and gentlemen. Hi, where you from? What's your name?" He held the microphone up to Katsuki's face.

The boy stepped back a bit, startled at having a leg/microphone thrust into his face. Feeling ridiculous, he said, "Uh. The name's Katsuki. Katsuki Bakugou."

"Katsuki!" The man gasped, as though he had just discovered the meaning to life. "Katsuki!" In the air formed a bright green neon sign that read 'Katsuki' in blinking bright lights. Then, without any warning, the two were suddenly in a game-show type of room, complete with sofas and a backdrop. "Hello Katsuki. Nice to have you on the show. Can we call you 'Katsu'? Or maybe just 'Baku'? 'Kacchan?' Or maybe just 'Kat?'" As soon as he said that, the man whirled around, disappearing as an orange tabby cat replaced him, although it still talked. "Sounds like the name of an animal."

Katsuki shook his head. "I must've hit my head even harder than I thought." The poor boy had absolutely no idea what was going on, and the man in front of him talked so quickly that he had no chance of catching up.

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