Chapter Four

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Y/N's POV:

"So I'm thinking like, we could lean more on the drums with this one" I questioned over the phone as I was making some breakfast.

"How so?" Maggie replied to me.

"Like instead of the bass being the undertone of the whole song, we use the drums as the main beat, and then we can layer the guitar and bass over them" I said to her.

"I get you. Honestly Y/n, I trust you with anything you think will work" she replied. I looked to the side as I noticed Hailee coming out of, what is essential, her room now I've sorted out all my boxes that were in the second bedroom.

"Good because I have an idea or two for possible features but we'll talk more on those when we get back in the studio and bash our heads together and get back to the others too, but I gotta got now" 

"Thank you Y/n, I'm so excited about this project. See you later" she said before we hung up. I've been a part of other people's music before, a song here and there but this is the first time where I've actually been asked to be involved with a whole album.

"Morning" I said to her.

"How are you always up before me? Do you not sleep or something?" she asked me.

"I had a couple of calls"

"Yeah, who was that?" she asked as she stretched, lifting her arms above her head as her silk button-up pyjama top lifted above her belly button. "Y/n?"

"Um, yeah, that was Maggie Lindemann. I'm helping with her album, she's pretty underrated in my opinion" 

"I can't lie, I've not heard any of her stuff but if you say she's good, then I'm sure she is" she said with a smile as I handed her some food and she looked at me a little confused.

"It's fine, I'll make some more"

"Thank you" she said with a smile. "Have you been working on any music recently?" she asked me as she sat at the little breakfast bar part of the kitchen. I am yet to buy a table.

"Nah. I haven't written anything for myself in nearly three years, since my last album came out"

"Really? But you can write for other people?"

"I don't write for Madison, we write together. It's her story we're telling, her vision. For me, I guess I don't feel I have a story to share at the moment, or at least not one I want to share, but you can't rush it because it'll feel forced and if it feels forced, it's shit. I'd rather it take however long it takes and be great, than rush something" I explained to her.

"You make an excellent point actually. I haven't written much this past year, filming Dickinson and press took up most of my time last year. I have bits of songs but nothing complete"

"You can't rush greatness," I said and she gave a smile back. "What time do you want to head out?" I asked her.

"Well, it's what? Eight now, maybe leave at eleven? Grab some lunch on the way?"

"Sounds good with me. You know, there's this diner about halfway between here and your place..." she cut me off.

"Josie's?" I nodded. "I love that place. They have the best pancakes. Yeah, we'll stop there for lunch. If that's what you were suggesting?" she said.

"Yeah, that's what I was suggesting" I smiled and she smiled back as I sat myself down to finally eat my breakfast, Pixie taking up her usual spot behind my head.

It's been just over a week since this whole fake relationship started and honestly, it's not exactly been terrible, it's hardly put a dent in any of our plans. Hailee has spent a couple of nights at her place but the majority have been here, purely out of convenience and because of Pixie.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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