Just Want To Be Alone!

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Guys, Just stick a fork in my ass because i am done! This has gotten too far with me and curry and I really am starting to see through his good looks and awesome hair. He has a bipolar attitude and a psychotic personality and to be honest it's insanely annoying and unattractive. I feel like I made a mistake by trying to mess with him and I shouldn't of let my feelings get the best of me to the point I loved him. Not in a boyfriend type of way but like in a friend type of way but I knew that he didn't care about me but he said he has feelings and that he like me and I think that's bull shit. How can you treat someone you like shit and treat them like they're an option? Last night I found my old iPhone and was looking through it and saw our old messages together and man I read through the messages and I enjoyed reading all of the fun and nasty messages between us and he was such a great guy back then and now he's just not the same and it makes me wonder what's going on in his life? Everything has been going down hill for him lately but I see why! He treats people bad and he has a terrible attitude so I can see why shit ain't going right for him. Right now I'm planning on taking care of a baby on my own or if I still want to abort it and I'm doing all of this without him because really I don't have time for bull shit. I'm a single mom and I do shit alone all the time and I don't need no man to help me! The other day he said that I'm trying to make him stay and that's what made me say fuck him because literally I don't care if he leave or stay. I wanted him but I do not need him at all but his swelled head believe differently. I haven't spoke to him in days now and I've been depressed and sad but I'm pulling myself together slowly and I'm getting better. I'm going to miss him and I'm hurting because I know I'm going to miss him and his sex but at this point I wish him the best! I just want to be alone no sex partners or anything else and I'm afraid to get my heart broken and my feelings hurt or played with. I'm never going to forget curry but right now I'm worried about me and the mistakes we made.

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