Amin to that!

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Tinder has so many ethnicities and to me it's like ice cream, Many flavors and options.
So one day I came across this guy named Amin. Amin is Italian and some other stuff and speak multiple languages. We started to talk and get to know each other like any guy and  girl and it was easy-going. The conversation was funny and romantic at sometime and we just build on trying to get to know each other and also talk about different cultures and etc., He wanted to meet but truly I didn't want to meet him because I felt like it was moving too fast but like I always do I sucked it up and I met up with him and it was very cool and I was supposed to have bought like cards over so we can play cards games and drink and I forgot the cards and I came like an hour late.

When I got there, he grilled me and I sat on the couch and we would talk and drink and laugh and stuff and then he was like "hey just come to my room because he has roommates".
I go to his room and he sits on the bed and I'm standing up he's like "come on sit down", I sit down and he's like holding on me and stuff like that And yes, of course I felt strange but I was like let's just go with the flow so we started kissing and his lips was big for Italian guy. I like his hair and his braces. He was just beautiful and his eyes Was such a beautiful color I can't even describe it.

I started gazing into this man's eyes and he's looking at me and I'm like you're so beautiful and we just kept kissing me and then eventually we got intimate and it was surprisingly good because I've never had sex with an Italian man in my life, but I liked it but didn't expect how rough it was going to get he started slapping me and telling me do I like that and pulling my hair and smacking my booty and it was a lot to take in literally, Because that weenie was big. Then I started to ride him and he's enjoying it. Then I get off of him to suck his dick and it tasted so good and I kept doing it until he begged me to stop so I stopped and he wanted me to ride him again, so I got back on top of him and we took it nice and easy and just as the night was getting good, we had to cut it short his friends was coming back and he wanted to join them for dinner because his friend was in town from Italy.
I had to go home which I was pissed off because I paid $40 in total to get there and back and uptown Ubers aren't cheap, so I went home and reflect, but something seemed off a bit and I wasn't really getting the attention that I was getting from him in the beginning and I started to see him ignore me and that made me very upset because you could've just told me that you weren't interested or you just want sex but you know these days men aren't honest or straightforward and to be honest I think this is what's wrong with our generation on finding companions or relationships is because no one is honest or straightforward or understanding everyone wants their way or want to be single or want to lie to get what they want and seriously it's wrong and scary.

We eventually stop talking for a while and then we were back talking but this time I'm not interested as much as he is because I remember of how he was treating me and I didn't like it and usually when someone treats you bad you remember how they made you feel and you move on from that And when they want you back, you can't forgive them. You will never feel the way you felt before, so you move on like shit ain't ever happened or if you ain't never met them and you live your life and that's basically what I'm doing.

I just feel like I want Love and affection and etc. so I took time to not have sex anymore after him so it's been about two months to three months now and I'm proud of myself and even though I get horny from time to time I feel good that I can tame myself and control myself into not having sexual relationship with just anybody. I'm looking for someone that I can do it with, and feel comfortable and be consistent with as well And I'm a fine ass motherfucker so I know I can get any man that I want or at least a man that I favor but I don't want any man I want a man that I want that he can show that he likes me and care for me, and have a good characteristics about his self. I want to take the time to get to know this person and get to know this person's body and etc. so I moved on to talking to this new guy so let me tell you about this new guy in the next chapter, come along with me to the next chapter, shall we?........

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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