Chapter 45 - Weve got a rythm

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"No! Please! Wake up!" Maddison yells as she falls to her knees
"Come on Maddison" Cortez adds
"No! We're supposed to get married! And have 3 beautiful kids together! He wants 2 boys and a little girl so that her brothers will always protect her!" Maddison sobs
Maddison is sobbing in Cortez's arms when they start to hear a beeping
"Check his stats?" The doctor asks as he listens to Taylor's heart
"We've got a rhythm" The nurse announces
"Let's get him into surgery" The doctor adds as they whisk Taylor away
An hour later Maddison is sitting in the waiting room when Casey and Dawson burst through the door
"Hey" Dawson says as she hugs Maddison
"How is he?" Casey asks
"He's not great, he coded then we got a rhythm but he's up in surgery now" Maddison explains as she sits back down
"How are you holding up?" Dawson asks as she sits down next to her
"I'm good" Maddison adds
Dawson shoots her a sympathetic look followed by a warm smile
It's the next morning and Maddison has slept in the chair in Taylor's hospital room, she is woken up by the sound of his voice
"Did you bunk in here all night?" He asks,weakly
"Your awake" Maddison adds as she fully wakes up
"How long was I out for" Taylor asks putting his hand out
"I don't know, a good 18 hours" Maddison adds as she takes his hand in hers
"Im sorry for putting you through all of this, I should never have come back here" Taylor apologises
"Hey! Don't you dare apologise! You hear me!" Maddison says firmly
"Copy that" Taylor adds as he smiles

*Time Skip*
It is now a month later and Taylor is fully recovered, they are back in Chicago
"You do realise that you snore? Right?" Maddison adds as they walk down the hall
"Do not! I think you'll find it's you that snores" Taylor adds before walking into the common room
"Ambulance 61, Man down from unknown causes, Bridge street" The Intercom Echoes
Maddison and Dawson run out and jump into the rig
"So how are things with you and Casey?" Maddison asks as Dawson drives out of the firehouse
"We're good, really good" Dawson adds as she smiles shyly
"Oh my god! You totally hooked up with him!" Maddison yells enthusiastically
"Okay maybe once or twice" Dawson adds as the grin on her face gets bigger
*At the firehouse*
"So how's things going with Maddison?" Casey asks as he hands Taylor a cup of coffee
"Really well" Taylor adds as he takes a sip
"How long have you been dating now?" Casey adds
"6 months, but obviously we've known each other for a year now" Taylor explains
"So when you gonna pop the big question?" Casey asks as he nudges his shoulder
"You know I'm not a husband type of guy" Taylor explains
"Your gonna regret that!" Casey yells before walking out

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