Chapter 49 - The Night of our lifes!

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It's now 3 months later
"I can't believe you get married in a week!!" Dawson adds as she smiles
"That's the least of my worries tonight! All i wanna do is get drunk so you better have planned the most epic bachelorette party known to man!" Maddison explains
"Oh please! This is Gabriella Dawson we're talking about! Now go get your ass ready!" Dawson adds

*With Taylor and the boys*
"So mollys?" Taylor asks
"This is your bachelor party! We're going to a club that's opened up down the street!" Casey adds as he slips on a shirt
Just then the door goes off, Taylor opens it to see the whole of 51 standing
"Casey! I told you not to go overboard!" Taylor yells as he looks at the long line of people down the hall
"Yeah we're not going to a club, we're bringing the club to you!" Casey announces as everyone comes flooding in the door
"Casey! That's like over 100 people!" Taylor yells
"What?! I can't hear you?!" Casey yells, as loud music starts to play
"Maddison's gonna kill me!" Taylor yells
"Oh please they're doing the same thing at my place!" Casey yells before wandering off

*With Maddison and The Girls*
Maddison then walks out her room to see the house filled with people, loud music is playing in the background and everyone is drinking
"Dawson!" Maddison yells
"Come on! Did you really think I was gonna let you sulk at Molly's all night? Now here's that drink you had been asking for!" Dawson yells as she hands her a drink
"I do like this song" Maddison admits as Chris walks over to them
"Come dance!" Chris says as she takes Maddison's hand
"How much have you had to drink?" Maddison asks as Chris takes her hands and starts to dance with her
"A little too much" Chris admits as she starts dancing harder
"Fuck it" Maddison says before downing her drink
"Wooo!" Chris yells as Maddison smiles

*With Taylor and the Boys*
It's the next morning and it's safe to say the boys are all partied out. Taylor and Casey are lying on the couch, Cruz and Otis are in the bathroom throwing their guts up, Boden is hunched over the stairs and Mills is in the kitchen cooking a hangover meal with the things he found in Taylor's fridge, Herrmann and Mouch are sitting in the kitchen watching Mills cook.
"You good bro?" Taylor asks as Cruz walks out the bathroom
"Yeah lui-" Cruz says before covering his mouth with his hand and running back in
"Jeez, how much did we drink?" Boden asks
"A lot, I can confirm" Otis says walking out the bathroom
Casey gets up and walks into his bedroom
"Ahh!" Casey yells before running back out
"Shhh!" Boden yells, rubbing his forehead
"There's a random dude in my bed!" Casey yells
"Oh! That's Davis from 26, he means no harm" Mouch says as he ducks his head in
"He's in my bed!" Casey argues
"Shhh!!" They all yell

*With Maddison and the girls*
Maddison wakes up with a ponding headache, she looks around and the apartment is trashed, She is in the middle of Dawson and Chris.
"Ugh" Maddison says as Dawson wakes up along with Chris
"Jesus, how much did I have last night?" Chris asks
"You danced, does that answer your question" Maddison replies
"Ugh, I'm never touching vodka again" Dawson adds as she rubs her eyes
"You and me both know that's not true" Maddison adds as she gets up and walks to the kitchen
Dawson groans before falling back into the couch
"There's a girl in the sink" Maddison explains
"What?" Chris asks
"Well her feet are in the sink, so some of a girl is in the sink" Maddison adds
"Ugh, that's Rachel, she's a candidate on truck 88. I'll get her" Dawson adds as she gets up
"Never again" Maddison adds
"You can say that again" Chris says

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