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William Aftons POV:

I  wake up from my slumber and kiss my beloved wife on the cheek before getting out of bed. I begin getting changed into my Uniform just as I hear a loud creak. "Hello?" —No response— "Hmm?" Just as I button up the last button up my shirt I begin straightening my tie and hat. "Who is sneaking about?" I walk downstairs to see Micheal, my oldest son attempt to reach the cups. "What are you up too?" I say with a deep and sleep voice. "Oh nothing just trying to reach the cups." Micheal replies to his Father with a girly voice, knowing it would annoy him. "Well how was your rest?" I ask with a gentle soothing voice. "Not to bad for once but can you help me reach the cups please?" Micheal asks. "Sure shortie." I say grinning while messing up his hair. I grab the cup and run cold water under the tap. "Here you go" I say with a friendly tone in my voice. "Tha- Whatever old man!" Micheal snaps. "I see your happy seconds are over—" I sigh and walk away back upstairs, In front of the are three rooms. One of the doors is pink with unicorns, rainbows and ice cream on it with a label of "Elizabeth's Room!" Another door has a light blue door with a slightly dark blue tint of polka-dots labled "Evan's room. " Which was just slightly too the right from the pink room. The last door was down a creepy hallway, the walls down the hallway were clearly  spray painted black. Once you reach the door it is dark red with some lightning bolts, danger and keep out signs and the label says "MICHEALS ROOM KEEP OUT"  I walk towards the pink door open it a little too see a blonde haired girl around 5-6  hugging a unicorn teddy while being sound asleep. I sneak in just for a moment, kiss her on the head and walk away closing the door quietly. "Heh, my little girl is growing up so fast." I say quietly. I walk to my right about to twist the door knob and start to hear crying. "What's that sound?.." I gently twist the door knob and start to push the door open. "Evan, what's wrong with you?.." I asked while kneeling down to his level. "N- nothing..!" Evan whined, wiping the tears away quickly. " *Sighs* Get some rest..."  "O- Okay..Night night dad.." mumbled Evan. "Heh, Night night bud." I tuck Evan into his bed and close the door slowly turning around to see Roselle standing there with her arms folded. "Morning, honey." I look into her eyes and smile but turns out she's not in the mood. "Where exactly do you think your going?!" She whispered and it was clear as day she was annoyed. " I have to go discuss business plans with Henry!" I whispered back, my voice sounding sharp. "Oh no you don't!! Eli is meant to spend the day with you! She'll be upset if she finds out you've chosen work over her!" Roselle silently yells. "Hmmm.. *smirks* well henry has a daughter called Charlotte, she's around three four or five I don't know— maybe I could bring her and Henry over so that way her and Liz can have a play date possibly a sleepover while me and Henry discuss work out in the basement!" I explained. "Alright then, your off the hook Dear. This O.N.C.E" Roselle smiled. "I know I know! *kisses Roselle's cheek* Love you!" I whisper as I sprint down the stairs. "Tch, typical." Roselle mumbles as I close the door quietly behind me.

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