Who's that?

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Charlie's POV:

I grab onto the bannister about to walk up the stairs, when I look up at the top of the stair case there is this small figure maybe a little taller than me. "Hello?" Said the small figure. "Hey? May you come out the dark you look a bit intimidating.." mumbled Charlie. "Huh? Oh trust me I'm not but alright." said the girl walking out of the shadows. She had pretty blonde hair with attractive sparkly green eyes, a red bow in her hair and at the back of her lovely blonde hair was a red ribbon for decoration. "What's your name?" Charlie said nervously. "Elizabeth. Elizabeth Afton, and you?" Elizabeth smiled. "C- Charlie. Charlie Emily."  Mumbled Charlie, practically burying her face into Theodore. 

~2 hours later~

Williams POV: 

"So I've been thinking of making this animatronic for my youngest daughter, Elizabeth." Smiled William. "What's the name and the location?" Asked Henry. "Hmm.. How about Circus Baby and for the pizzeria how about.. Sister Location?" Wondered William. "Sister location?" Asked Henry. "Yep fascinating, isn't it?" Replied William. "Yep let's do it!" Henry smiled.

~Back with Elizabeth and Charlie~

Elizabeth's POV: 

*Elizabeths mind: She's so adorable!!*

"Would you like to watch a movie?" Elizabeth offered. "Sure!" Cheered Charlie.

~After they turned the TV and movie on~

"You alright, Charlie?" Wondered Elizabeth "M- Mhm! " Yawned Charlie. 

Charlie's head drops gently onto the blonde haired girl, Elizabeth's shoulder.

Elizabeth's POV: 

Elizabeth's mind: What is this feeling?! It's warm and gives me a weird feeling in my stomach.. Love? No!! No way it's love.

Charlie x Elizabeth storyWhere stories live. Discover now