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Bonnie's PoV

Im alone. My Mother that i loved is gone. She is the only one that is keeping me sane. I can still feel the very painfull stab by my own father. Freddy is asleep on my chest i just want to cry it all out.

But i need to make everyone happy and not let anyone know how depressed i am right now. I can't think straight

Freddy saved me but he will because i am his best friend and nothingmore he loved foxy. He will never love me back ill just hide my feelings forever and bottle then up i want to show freddy i am fine even if it hurts so much

I want to show him that i am fine he doesn't need me

"Bon earth to Bonnie" Freddy said waving his hand on my face

"What?" I said my voice still sounded terrably

"Im going to school now my mom will take care of you while im gone got it?" He said in a hurry

"Yeah got it" i said in responce

"Alright im off now bon ill see you later" He said leaving the hospital

If only you know how i feel for you

Freddy's PoV

Im not sure if i want Bonnie to live with me or my mom to adopt bonnie. But i will do anything to help my bestfriend.
Its what friend are for accually.

I arrived at my school and went in i saw the gang back together and i didnt see foxy though

Hi guys where's Foxy? I said concerened where foxy is

"Oh he is on his way just running a bit late but he will arrive soon" Chica said in responce

"Oh alright" i said in responce

"So Fred we saw the news what happened to Bonnie" Golden said

"In short his father abused him his mother died in the process aswell i did went in there house and saved Bonnie but i was scared cause there was so much blood everywhere." I said recalling what happened earlier

"What did bonnie's father do to Bonnie?" Ben asked

"Abuse Rape and attempted murder" i exclaimed

"Oh god hope bonnie's okay"Ben said

"He is okay right now he is in the hospital with my mother" i said

As i was chatting with the guys foxy came running towards us  and he looks exhasted

"We better get on class right now." Chica said clearly worried to be late

We all said our goodbyes and foxy ben and i went to our class.

*Time skip*(only a fee hours time skip probably)

It was in the my 3rd last class but then i felt someone placed their hand in my thights i turned to see who it was. It was foxy

"What are you doing foxy" i whispered to him

(Bt the way i scraped my old writing style im more used to the "" than being lazy with the shortcut names)

"Freddy bear can we have some fun later? Please?"Foxy whispered.

"Alright fine" i said

During on class foxy's hand was travelling all over me near my crotch and eventually i gave him the permission to touch my bulge

I know we were on class thank god eveeyone is focused on the teacher or else we would be caught i slowly unzipped my zipper i grabbed foxy's hand and i let him touch my member

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