~ Prologue ~

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*I have switched from past tense to present tense. I want to do present tense for the foreseeable future. Let me know what I need to do to make it present tense. I hope its not confusing.

A thirty-five-year-old single woman wakes up to the annoying sound of her alarm blaring. The black-haired woman sits up then makes her way to the bathroom to get ready to see her best friend. She wears a casual dress with a light jacket and some comfortable shoes. After she did her hair and makeup, she goes to a restaurant café to meet up with Makoto. When she arrives, she sees her brown-haired friend sitting at a table.

"Mako-chan!" The black-haired woman calls while waving her hand at Makoto.

"Saku-chan!" The brown-haired woman gets up from her seat and hugs her best friend. "How have you and Satoru been?" She offers the seat in front of her as both ladies sit down.

"My twin has been busy with work. Occasionally, he gets a day off and spends it a little with me. I have been well, but I wish I could do what I always wanted to do." Sakura replies in a somber tone while looking at the menu.

"You really want to be an artist. Don't you?" Makoto looks at the menu before she turns her gaze to see Sakura's melancholic face.

"Yes, but I work constantly and have very little time to paint or sketch or even color." The black-haired woman complains as the waitress comes up.

Once they figure out what they want, the waitress takes their orders and leaves them alone. Both ladies talk about their dreams and the steps they are taking to achieve them. The ladies talk about boys when the waitress comes back with their orders. Sakura has some strawberry crepes with cold chocolate milk while Makoto has some pancakes and a little cake on the side. After the ladies finish their brunches, they pay for the meal and decide to walk around to see what the stores have. The ladies go to their cars when Sakura notices a speeding car heading right towards them.

"Makoto, watch out!" Sakura pushes her friend out of the way to safety while her body crashes and gets run over by the car.

While she lays in the parking lot, Makoto looks around, sees her friend laying still, immediately calls 119, and runs to her friend. Sakura thinks about if she ever reincarnated, she would want to a sturdier body to not get hurt easily, but still be a woman and at least part human.

"Understood. Transmutation acquisition successful. Creating a firm body. Successful." A sweet mysterious voice says as Sakura dies.

Sakura flips herself over then sees Makoto on the phone and crying. "I hope I can heal other people's pain so they won't have to suffer, and I can heal fast so people won't have to worry so much about me."

"Rejuvenation skill acquired. Self-regeneration skill acquired."

"It's so nice and cold. I never did like the heat too much. My body doesn't feel that much pain."

"Pain affirmation acquired. Cold aptitude acquired. Heat resistance acquired."

"I'm dying." Sakura has a calm smile on her face while she lifts her hand and waves Makoto over. "Mako-chan, take care of my brother and protect him in the best way."

"Extra Skill: Safeguard acquired. Continuing: Safeguard skill will evolve to Guardian."

"I'll do my best, Saku-chan." Makoto has tears running down her face while she put Sakura's soul to rest.

"Th-thank you." Sakura begins closing her grey eyes. Before passing on she thinks about how great being a master artist in her next life would be. When she becomes conscious, she got a little scared as to what was going on. "Why is it so dark in here? Are my eyes closed?" She tries opening them, but it's hard. "Why is this so hard?" she suddenly sees some light from behind her eyelids and she cries at using her lungs for the first time. "Why do my lungs hurt?" She feels someone hold her entire body in their arms. "Wait, am I a baby?! I must be a baby but who are my parents then?" She opens her eyes, but the light is too intense and shuts them. She hears two people: one is a slightly high but mature female voice, the other is a deep voice that is male.

The Ice Hybrid Part 1Where stories live. Discover now