Ch. 1: The Attack

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~2 years ago~

I was meditating in the gardens when I start to hear people yelling and growling, along with gun shots. Just as I was about to go see what was going on, Emily runs right into me.

"Emily?! Are you alright? What's going on?"

"We are under attack," she replies once she's caught her breath.

"What?! We have to go help!"

"No! You can't!"

"Is it the Red Dawn?"

"Yes," Emily answered, a dark glint passing through her eyes.

The Red Dawn pack is the first pack created by rogues. When we first got word of a new pack that consisted of rogues, we were all shocked as it is known that rogues hate to belong to a pack. They are lone wolves who detest being tied down by rules that come with a pack. Rogues don't do well with following one leader as they are wild and enjoy having freedom, which is why no one understands what persuaded them to start a pack. The biggest shock of all came later on when we discovered that hunters had joined the Red Dawn pack, making us even more confused. Every wolf, rogue or not, hate hunters as they made it their life mission to get rid of us all even if we have not committed any crimes  against their own. Although, the forming of the pack was just the starting point of their journey through a path filled of murder. 

"See, this is more of a reason to go help! Our pack needs us, Emily!" I say, trying to move past her, but she blocks my way once again.

"Amari, no! That's why I came looking for you. Your mom told me to come find you and tell you to run and find some place safe."

"Why would my mother ask me to run when she knows I can help fight?"

"I'm not sure. All she said was to tell you to hide and follow the plan."

"Plan? What plan?"

"She said something about Plan R.H.W.F, whatever that is."

"Plan- oh! Well if that's what she told you then it must have been for a reason, mother is never wrong about these things," I quickly cover as realization dawned on me of what my mother meant with Plan R.H.W.F. It is a plan we came up with if this were to ever happen, it meant Run, Hide, Wait, and Fight if necessary.

"You're right, as Female Delta, she will know these things," Emily said, not questioning further, which I'm glad for.

"Okay, now how do I get out without being noticed?" I thought out loud.

"Well I was asked to help you get to the secret passage through the woods, but that's on the other side of the territory where all the fighting is at. It's a good thing that no one knows about it besides you and your family and now me, so as long as we aren't seen, it should be ok."

"Well then, we must move smart and fast. We could climb through the trees. We are both good climbers and are quite fast, and the shadows of the trees should keep us hidden," I plan.

"That could work."

"Let's hope. Come on."


We moved quickly through the trees, trying not to be seen. We had managed to reach the magic barrier that leads to the secret path. Emily and I were saying our last goodbyes when we heard a menacing growl behind us. We slowly turned around to come face to face with a rogue wolf. Emily quickly shifted into her wolf and pounced on the rogue before he had a chance to attack. I noticed another rogue making his way towards us, ready to attack. I took a fighting stance and waited for it to strike first.

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