Chapter 3 - All For You

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Austin would be performing the song and shortly after it was done and the people along with Mya were long left, Y/n would walk up to Austin and hug him. "Austin, I think that I wanna be more than friends. I know it's really early but, The performance was so great it changed me, I've never had someone say such nice things about me before.." "Y/n I was going to ask you the same thing, I was just too scared.".

Austin and Y/n would stare into each other's eyes, and share a kiss that would give tingles all throughout Y/n's body and they would feel so good. Austin would say "come on let's leave and go to my mansion" "ok" Y/n said. As they were running out of the muse Y/n said "SEE YOU TOMORROW BOSS" all while giggling.. boss would say "oh Y/n, when will you learn.".

~ they would arrive at Austin's house ~

They would both run upstairs to Austin's bed and quickly undress each other.. Austin furiously started kissing Y/n's neck and made his way back up and took off his pants.. Austin thrusting into Y/n while you try not to let out a moan but you know it's going to come out sooner or later.

While Austin thrusts into Y/n they would let out a little moan and Austin would say "keep doing it I don't mind" and Y/n would start letting out very loud moans as Austin started to cum and he stopped and relaxed for a second, shortly after he pulled out laying down next to Y/n and both of them said "that was the best sex I've ever had" and they would start cuddling. They slept together..

Y/n really didn't want to go to work today because they wanted to spend the day with Austin. So they called in sick and got the day off. Y/n woke up and made a cup of coffee for them self and a cup of coffee for Austin. Y/n would leave a note on the cup saying "heat this up, I'm going to get some exercise on the beach".

As Y/n went for the walk, Austin would wake up and see the cup of coffee and smile. But.. he would read the rest of the note, and then he would say "oh god".

He went rushing to go find Y/n but couldn't find them anywhere, He forgot to check the beach. the reasoning for all of this was that Y/n didn't quite uncover the secrets of the town yet. Now Austin knows that Y/n is in trouble and needs to be saved before something bad happens.

As Y/n walks the beach, they spot something on in the distance. Y/n's immediate thoughts are "it's probably just an old man going for a walk, like me!" But that is the exact opposite. As Y/n got closer, they saw that there was no man. It was a bald headed creature feasting on human flesh with his razor sharp teeth.

Austin would arrive at the beach and see Y/n running back, the bald headed creature was chasing Y/n, and they were really fast. So when Y/n ran into Austin they immediately hugged him and Austin's pulled out a gun and shot the creature. Slowly he would get in his knees and hug Y/n "please don't do that ever again.".

They leave the beach and walk back to Austin's house. Y/n is so confused, Austin said "it's time I tell you the real truth about Provincetown"..

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