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(Y/n) felt her eyes water as she stepped into the small building. Her heart was beating fast and her body was shaking as she followed the young student inside. Just as he came to set the tea in front of her, he tensed when her hands held his own with a tight grip. "Please help me." His eyes turn towards her and already he could see how scared and desperate she was. This wasn't the girl he had met weeks before.

"What's happened?" He asked as he took a seat and began pouring the tea.

"I don't know exactly what's happened..?" She took a moment to breathe as she rest a hand against her chest, feeling her heartbeat fast as it slowly calms down. "I've been feeling uneasy lately. My dreams felt more vivid recently.. the village is slowly turning against me because of my Father's research. I've tried to prove the gossip wrong. Tried to explain that my fathers research was.. it's medicine but..-"

"They're all mistaking it for witchcraft." Solomon mumbles as he rubbed his thumb against his chin. "You're better off with leaving the village." He said before noticing her displeasure in that idea.

"I can't.. they're not letting us leave until the church makes their decision."

".. I see." He didn't want to say it but he had a feeling she knew what her families fate will end up being. To the villagers here, if not many in these times, anything off was considered evil. It was amazing he had managed to smuggle a lot of books of the cults for his own research purposes. He watched as she stirred her cup of tea clockwise. A small noise escaped the silver spoon running against the rim of the porcelain cup. Looking at the woman who seemed more calm but hopeless as she knew they would die within a few days. Solomon was already casted out of the village and lived within the woods, promising the villagers he wouldn't come in at all but that hasn't stopped people of the village coming by to ask for potions and such. He was a student of sorcery and they always paid him for his silent services. So long as he kept silent about who came for his help they would continue to come. That's how he's survived so far. It was rather funny how they were so tempted into things of magic when their church doesn't want them to even think about it or go near it. "If you're lucky you'll be casted out-" Just before he could finish a banging came from the door of his home, it startled them both. Solomon stood up and managed to see a few of the villagers approaching the area. "It's the villagers-" she stood up, gripping her cloak tightly, "they haven't quite arrived. I had set up a spell for these sorts of things." Solomon informs with a calm voice as he tosses her drink down a drain before washing it.

"I have to leave then." He turns to her and nods. Just before she could head to the front door he takes her arm. "No, they'll see you. It's better you leave through the back." He leads her through his home, down a hall and passing into a dark room. He searches around within a cabinet before holding out a lantern and lighting it. "Cover it with your cloak until your deep in the woods-" another banging interrupts them. "When your in the woods you must not look back for any reason, do you understand?" She holds the lantern and looks at him with a concern look over her eyes. "Don't tell me your worried for a wicked sorcerer like me." He smiles almost and she could only muster up a concern look.

"I'll be fine. Just follow what I've told you." He assures her, handing her a knife. "Just in case.. Now go and keep going until you find.. something?"

"How will i-"

"You'll be let in. It's a gut feeling thing." He said as he leads her out the back. "Go. Hurry!" He closed and locked the door once she began running towards the woods behind his home. He turns and rushes to the door before opening it and getting pushed by villagers.

"Tell us where the woman is." Solomon sighs with a small smile greeting his lips.

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