ᴛᴏᴍᴏʀʀᴏᴡ ɪs ᴀ ʜᴏᴘᴇ, ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴀ ᴘʀᴏᴍɪsᴇ.

18 0 0

(Y/n) could feel her lungs start to catch up to her throat as she ran through these woods. She began to think maybe hiding would be better but she was reminded.

"Don't look back."

Solomon had warned her not to look back. No matter what, she mustn't look back. Unlike him, she was no sorcerer. Solomon knew what he was doing when working with witchcraft but she had not a clue as to how it worked.

"Solomon, I just hope you're alright."

• • •

A small girl looked up at a building she called her home. Her father can be seen, using a feather to write his notes down as he worked in his office. She felt something tap her behind the legs. She turns to look to see a small orange ball that seemed deflated.

"HEY!" She looks up and sees a young boy her age, white messy hair, tan skin, baggy clothes. "Pass it over, girlie!" He grins.

She blinks and kicks it back over to him. He grabs it as it stops at his feet before looking at her with blue and yellow gradient eyes. She's never seen such eyes.

"Do you.. wanna play?" He asked and she couldn't help but nod with a big smile.

She's never had so much fun and the boy laughs as they ran around the city. She bumps into a woman in a pink Victorian styled dress, her hat blows away.

"Oh, my hat!" The woman turns to look down at the girl with annoyance at first but stops.
Little (Y/n) gawks at the woman in awe.

"You're face is so beautiful." She points out. The woman looked young, her skin was so soft looking, her dress was elegant and as pink as her supple lips, eyes as orange as a peach with a hint of yellow in them. Her hair champagne-colored and swept to the left side of her head. How could someone looks to pretty?

Her comment had made the woman smile and wave off her hat problem. Just as the woman would speak a hand had grabbed her arm. She looks back and sees her father glaring down at her. She gulps.

As she is walked back briskly by her father, her new friend looks at her and looks distraught.

The doors are shut and she remains inside her home for months.

• • •

Of course, she would always wonder why her father kept her inside for most her life. Why he studied so hard to the point he shut her out. But why is it that those memories crossed her mind here.


She flinched and stopped in her tracks as she heard that familiar voice.

"Turn back." He said.

"I.. Dad?" She almost looks and stops herself from turning as the flame in the lantern rings.
"What's going on?" She said as she watched the flame adjust. She takes a step forward.

"You need to come back home."

"I can't.." She said as she looks at the flame as it stills. "They burnt our home and you're dead."


She holds back her tears, the burning lump in her chest. As she walks forward, the footsteps that belonged to this voice seem to retreat. She could feel it's eyes on her as it fades away.

Still, she must not look back.

As (Y/n) began walking she noticed how the ground began to get mucky and had roots of trees growing out within the forest. She did not hear the villagers anymore. She could hear a few crows and the whistling of the wind. The sky already dark, clouds almost covered the sky. All except for the full moon that seemed to be a big help through this dark place.
This place felt odd, it felt.. unholy even.

Looking ahead she sees gates, tall and sharp. The height would've fooled her as it looked like it could peirce the sky. Behind it a large mansion-like castle. She lets her hand touch the bars of the steel gates. She pulls back as it prices her skin. Her entire palm bloody with her own blood.

"Ouch!" She covers her palm with her cloak to try and clean the blood off her hands. The gates open and hears something pass between her feet. Looking she sees an orange looking cat with piercing green eyes.

"Meow!" She blinks and rushes inside as the gates shut behind her. She looks back, pulling her cloak and at the same time it tears. She signs and looks to see the cat running into the mansion. She hesitates but follows. Getting closer, she holds her dress up a little, seeing as the building lights up.

'Were people inside?' She wonders, reaching up to ring the bell but stops.

She could feel something there with her. Something dark. Something that filled her with pure fear enough to actually make her look back.

There were these dark eyes with a tint of red in them that stared back at her in amusement. She gasped as she rung the bell from the sudden visitor.

"Welcome, little lamb." He asked her. Blinking she had realized that this man was very tall, black well kept hair, dressed in a sort of suit and a furry cloak over his shoulders. His hands wore.. red gloves.

"Ah-" She moves back with wide eyes as he sneers as she fell back. Her world went black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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