3. We Have A Deal

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The sky was growing a dark purple as the storm held steady, and nightfall came quickly at its heels. Pieces of grass and debris clung to every piece of me, my skirts were soaked all the way through, adding at least twenty pounds as I ran the last few yards to the edge of the Dark Shadow Forest as if my life depended on it.

The spark of hope that had come to life this morning when I'd met Talon had burst into a firework at Gauis' simple jesting.

The breath came in heaves out of my lungs and back in again, though once I reached the border and crossed over, it was almost as if the path before me became magically clear, trees and underbrush suddenly leaving space where I didn't remember any that morning and continued on in that way until I reached the clearing.

I halted at the edge, clutching the sack of herbs and trying not to think too much. I knew what I needed to do... only now instead of just two Orcs there were plenty more, all of them quiet in the shadows that had fallen in the forest, except for those cast by the light of the fire one of them must've conjured up.

"She's here!" cried a young voice, and I saw a smallish Orc jump up from the ground in excitement. I glanced around the faces, unable to see much of anything in the dark until I felt more than saw Talon step forward.

"You took long enough," he growled at me, and I sucked in a breath at his voice.

"Talon..." this came a sort of warning version of his name from one of the Orcs just behind him, one I couldn't see at all except for the hulking outline in the dark. I felt myself shrink every so little at the thought of what I must do next... now in a forest full of the enemy creatures who could snap me in half if they wanted to.

"I need to speak with you," I said, trying to sound firm as my fingernails cut into the palm of one hand I was clenching my first so hard.

"No talking! We need to heal him and move out of this hell hole before it gets any darker!" From a female voice. Did they bring a wife with them?

"Talon... hear the Princess out," came that same warning voice. It was gentle if that was possible for an Orc, but I still couldn't make out anything else about him. Only that he seemed able to calm the page enough that he stalked away from the others and towards me in the shadows.

"What is it?" Talon huffed impatiently, coming to stand toe to toe with me.

It might've been awkward if he'd been human, because then we might've been nose to nose, instead he stood a full half foot taller than me and stared down at me, those yellow eyes glinting off what little light the fire provided. I shuddered at the nearness, the warmth I could feel radiating from his skin, colliding with the chill that seemed permanently in my bones now.

"I'll help you - only I need a deal," I said it too fast, trying to hurry the words out of my mouth before I could take them back.

"What?" he barked through gritted teeth, hunching his face closer to mine in the darkness, and this time I jumped.

"I can save him!" I answered, holding my ground in the soft pine needles beneath my slippered feet even as my voice shook.

"Yes, you said that hours ago when you went for help!" Talon spat back at me and I got the distinct feeling he would've grabbed me by the collar if I'd been a man. But I wasn't... and that was the trouble, after all.

"I want to enter the tourney."

I let the words ring out into the world, like a fresh new babe's first cry. Hopeful, afraid, and uncertain.

"What?" he asked, all anger gone in his shock. Even the tense line of muscles in his shoulders relaxed as if he'd forgotten he was supposed to be intimidating me just now.

"Your knight can't fight in the tourney - but my father's healer can help him. In the meantime - make me the knight from Drayce. I'll make it worth your while in gold." Of course, I had not a scrap of gold to my name at the moment, but maybe with the winnings, I could afford to pay him and the rest of the entourage for their silence.

"You want to compete?" he repeated my words back, slowly and in clear disbelief, "As Oren?" He didn't even sound a little bit angry, so I nodded, encouraged to go on.

"You fight?" he asked, relaxing his stance so that there was more space between us and I took a gulping breath of air, realizing I'd forgotten to breathe.

"Umm... not exactly -" I flustered, "I was hoping you could, you know - teach me?"

"And what happens if you're caught?" he asked next, not even commenting on the first answer I'd given him.

"Likely... the Bishop would have me martyred for cross-dressing," I admitted with a wince.

"Goddes, your people are barbaric," he spat the words with a shake of his head, "And if they'll do that to their princess what exactly do you think they'll hand our way if we're caught in it with you, eh?"

"I have a solution!" I nearly shouted the words, but the softness of the forest caught them and brought them echoing back as I reached out to grab hold of Talon's forearm.

He froze under my hand, and I was surprised at my own jerk reaction. The moment I realized what I'd done, I dropped my hand away and hurried my explanation.

"A blood bond," I answered quickly, "All of you are bound to your knight, yes?" Talon only nodded, those yellow eyes watching me without giving away a single thought, "A blood bond from Oren to me, from his most trusted servant... well it would be enough to absolve you."

"You want me to bond us to you? So you can control us? Goddess - you don't ask for much do you, Wren?"

"Princess Wrenifred," I ground out through my teeth. I was tired of being who I was today anyway. Tired of what it meant to Isleen and Alek and Sothia. I wanted to be someone else. I wanted my freedom.

"If I win -"

"Big if -" he interjected with barked laughter.

"If I win - my father will be forced to give me my freedom. You will be free from the bond, and can return home with an honorable loss."

"Honorable loss? What makes you think we'll risk our necks for you, eh?" he smirked, shaking his head as if what I asked was impossible. Only I knew it wasn't. Not quite, anyway.

"He will die... without my help."

I nearly whispered the words in the darkness, but the closed air of my forest made them loud just the same. The entire camp seemed to go silent, though I hadn't noticed them listening that intently before.

"Do you have any idea who you're threatening wench?!" this came from the female figure that huddled still around the small fire. So maybe she wasn't a wife...

I flinched at the violence in her voice and fOrced my spine straighter as I looked back to Talon. He hadn't moved, just held his chin in his hand, yellow eyes glittering down at me like a lion about to pounce. But I refused to back down, self-consciously clutching the back of tinkling glass vials all the closer to my chest. I could taste my freedom... I could see if just in front of me... all I needed were these Orcs to do what I asked.

"Please," I choked. It came out like a broken little word and I was immediately filled with shame. My lip quivered, but I still met his eyes, waiting for my fate.

"Aye," the word rang out quiet and true, "We have a deal."

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