Part 2, Prologue, What Was Happening Before They Were 12

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It was also the week of the Panoh festival, Pull A Name Out of a Hat festival. The word President pulled out was 'Kissing'.

"Oh dear!" though Ice. 

The rules were such:

1) The basic stuff would be the same, just different theme. 
a) Basic being stuff like bobbing for apples, cotton candy, picture booths etc...

2) At the end of the festival, names of everyone would be pulled out of the hat in pairs, and they would have to kiss.

3) Anyone who wanted to write two names on one card, predetermining who their pair was, can, but they'd have to sneak in and do it without anyone noticing. 

And suddenly Ice knew what he could do to apologize to Light.


The night pressed at Ice. It was a frozen moment of darkness, and Ice was the violator of the predator-like stillness. Ice wasn't usually scared of the dark, but right now? This night was different. 

He saw no one else. It was either magic, or he really was the only one doing that. He assumed it was the first. He pulled his magic in. Deeper, further, tighter, binding it until it couldn't escape and be detected, or leave any marks. He crept into the hallway, silent footsteps on the carpeted floor. He walked into the room, and suddenly the light turned on the hall. Voices were heard, and Ice dived into the closest thing he saw - a trash can.

'Just my luck' went through his head, and the people outside passed the room, and light turned off. Ice stood up, and after looking around, crept towards the desk. The chair turned around, on its own, and he saw a camera, pointing straight at his face. His decision to wear a hood and a mask was a great decision. And then the camera beeped. "Unidentified intruder. Covering facial features, covering body features. Message repeat. Unidentified intruder. Covering..." 

...Maybe it wasn't that good of a decision after all. Ice heard banging on the floor below, and the stairs began to squeak. He knocked the camera off the chair, rushed towards the papers, found a blank one, and wrote 'Lightning' and 'Ice' on it. Two other papers immediately vanished in a puff of smoke, probably theirs, and Ice began to run. There were no windows in the room, but there were on the floor below, and there were two staircases. He ran towards the seemingly quiet one, began running down, hit a woman in black who was creeping silently up the stairs, "OW!" she screamed, and continued to run. Down, down, until he reached the hall. His gloves already covered in ice as the window, frozen, shattered easily. A wave of his hand and a slide was reaching down. A jump, and right behind him the ice slide was vanishing. He hit the ground, and the slide was gone. 

He ran, until there was nothing but the training pond stretched out in front. His pent up magic soared out and hit the pond in gigantic streaks, as lavender-glowing ice went through the pond, lower and lower. Ice's feet hit the frozen lake and slid. With the whole lake frozen through, his magic began breaking the ice. It cracked and slid and thundered, showering pieces into the air, but Ice was already safe on the other side. After his magic quieted, he dissolved the chunks, and they sloshed back into the lake. Ice walked back home. He had done it.


Time pulled a couple of slips of paper from the midnight hat. He immediately saw Ice's handwriting, but pretended to look at both papers before announcing, "Ice and Lightning!"

They walked up onto the stage, and Light leaned forward. A tear threatened to drop down, but he held it in. He had wanted to do this for a year and a half now... And now when he finally could... He had learned that Ice didn't like him. 

Their lips met.

Ice almost gasped. The kiss was cold. There was no emotion behind it. 

The realization hit him like a blow to the stomach. Lightning didn't care. 

And it hurt. Ice couldn't think.

Light's shattered heart weighed him, and he didn't want those memories. He hated Ice now. Not because he didn't love him back, but because he pretended to, he lied.

They walked off the stage in different directions, and Time's eyes widened. What?

They ran together, for the last time, towards to training lake. 


And Ice yelled back, "NEITHER DO I!"

And they ran, ran away from each other, away from broken shards of their hearts and of the friendship they had. Far, far away.

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