19. Snapshot of their lives in school

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Tigers Eye ran through the twisted corridors of the Super-powered Academy. She was almost late for class and Professor Diamond would not be happy. It really wasn't her fault that Swamp accidentally turned the floor into - you guessed it - bog, and it took forever for him to clean it up, but Diamond didn't accept any excuses. It would be her third failu - 

And then she was falling, falling... straight into tendrils of glowing blue shot through with lavender. They wrapped around her body, gentle, yet freezing cold, and set Tigers Eye upright. She whirled around, class forgotten, because she had tripped over Ice or Lightning, the two crazy warring boys in the school. They were almost about to graduate! She was so sorry! And of course she had to tell them that! The words were spilling out of her mouth before she could think them through: "Sorry! I really, really didn't mean to, please don't kill me!" They were crazy, after all. You never knew what they could be capable of, like slashing some magic through your skull, and killing you very, very much dead.

But Ice waved his hand. "Whatever," and went back to furiously contradicting whatever Light was trying to convince him of.

Tigers pulled up her memory files of the two psycho haters.

Looks: Short-ish white hair, tinted with light blue. Slightly curly. Light aqua eyes. Pale skin, almost unhealthy. Blushes more magenta than red or pink. Handsome. Makes his own clothes using his magic and dye. Long sleeved shirt that is all hanging and bunched-up, concealing form. Pants - also long, hanging, neatly tied into his boots. Heavy boots, probably would hurt if kicked by them. Pointed toes.
Magic: Ice blue wrapped in lavender spiderwebs. Powerful.
Notes: Hates Lightning. HATES. He hates him back. Probably lost his marbles. They fight all the time. 

Looks: Slightly above shoulder-length straight black hair crackling every now and then with electricity. Black eyes with a glowing gold ring around the iris. Very pretty. Wears loose T-shirts and knee-length loose pants. Metal-plated boots. Probably stocked with electricity. Pointed toes. 
Magic: Lightning glowing yellow-white, with gold showing through. Powerful.
Notes: Hates Ice. HATES. *See Ice. Definitely not shipped by at least the whole school and faculty with Ice. Probably also lost his marbles.

Ice... This was weird. Strange that he would not react. Look how he reacted to Lightning EVERY TIME! And then something clicked, and immediately Tigers joined the ever-growing ranks of very much not Icening shippers. He reacted to ONLY Light. 

She sighed. Diamond had appeared in the corridor, every movement showing intent to FIND Tigers Eye and BRING her to class. FORCEFULLY if needed.

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