Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Aideen Drew will not go unsatisfied on any given night. Roseanna is rapidly losing weight, and her manager is becoming dissatisfied with her body shape.

"Zoey, what are you doing with your body? Do you think you could shoot in that situation?" exclaimed Roseanna's manager.

"I'm sorry; I'll go to the gym again."

"Let's call it a day; we can meet next week; make sure your physique is in good shape, Zoey; you should sleep more and attend gym classes."


Roseanna returned home, or can she call that place home?

Aideen approached her with kisses as soon as she entered Aideen's room.

"Aideen Drew, please. My body couldn't take it any longer; I'm too skinny now, and my manager is furious," Roseanna said as she pushed him away.

"You will attend Gym and fitness lessons tomorrow, and you should be able to maintain your diet," Aideen said as he walked out and into his study room.

Roseanna was tied to the bed.


Roseanna is getting ready to leave for the gym in the morning. Later, when she arrived at the gym, she discovered that Aideen's mother was also there. She is aware that Aideen's mother dislikes her. She has known this since she was a child, but while they were exercising, she was suddenly dragged by her.

"What are you doing?" Roseanna wondered, unsure what Aideen's mother would do to her.

"Act out!" Aideen Drew's mother exclaimed, turning to face the bodyguards. "You all know how much I despise being with all of you, stalking and staring at me," she said to Roseanna's bodyguards. "I mean! My daughter-in-law is with me so you can go out and get lost," she hissed, and all of the bodyguards bowed down and apologized to her before leaving our sight. Mrs. Stone looked at me and said, "Now I want you out of here, and by out, I mean out of our lives."

"As if I could get away with your som's men constantly following and guarding me," I remarked sarcastically.

"I already planned this right when you entered that door," she says, pointing to the other door that says "emergency." "My men will pick you up, they are waiting with a car, and they will drive you off to one of my private planes. You're going to the Philippines where no one will ever see you," she says.

"Philippines? Your son is going in there back and forth, and he will easily find me."

"Use your brain, you brat, you're going to a remote island in Mindanao, Philippine called Camiguin, you're going to live there, and I'll give you financial support as long as you don't ever come back or think about coming back," she exhales after explaining.

"OK, how confident am I that this will work as planned?"

"Just go the fucking fuck and this will work out; you already gave a house to live in there with a month's worth of groceries; someone will come to you and give you what you need." She pushed me towards the door.

Confused but I trusted her words. It's better to live alone than to live with that man,

Wait. My family.

"Wait!" I said as I looked at Drew's mother, "my family!"

"I removed the tracker that my son put in your phone, and you can call them anytime but don't tell them your location. After you call them, get rid of the phone, my son might track you down. Someone will buy a phone for you. Just call them once every two weeks," she then steps out, "that someone is waiting for g in there and he will introduce himself to you once you've arrived. Hurry up," she added, looking at the driver, then she looked at me


Aideen has broken everything he can see in their house. He is insane, deadly insane.

"WHO THE FUCK GIVES SOMEONE MY PERMISSION TO HELP ROSEANNA ZOEY?" he yelled at the house's bodyguards and helpers. "WHO?!"

"AIDEEN DREW! that is enough!" his mother yelled. Aideen turned slowly to face his mother.

"Is it you, mom?" he asked, lowering his voice. "IS IT YOU?" he yelled when his mother didn't respond.

"YES! yes, it's me, I helped her," Aideen's mother exclaimed.

"Why? WHY MOM?" Aideen exclaimed, his expression changing and the pain in his eyes visible.

"Because you're now insane! You kidnapped that lady and did whatever you pleased. Aideen Drew, please," his mother pleaded. "Son, please just let her go. She's now worth it for you to lose your mind."

Aideen ignored his mother and turned away from her.

"Whether you like it or not, she's the only one I want to marry! I'm going to find her even if it takes a long time. I will find her even if it means losing everything I own!" He then walked to his room.

"Why? WHY MOM?" Aideen exclaimed, his expression changing and the pain in his eyes visible.

"Because you're now insane! You kidnapped that lady and did whatever you pleased. Aideen Drew, please," his mother pleaded. "Son, please just let her go. She's now worth it for you to lose your mind."

Aideen ignored his mother and turned away from her.

"Whether you like it or not, she's the only one I want to marry! I'm going to find her even if it takes a long time. I will find her even if it means losing everything I own!" He then walked to his room.

"I'm at Mrs. Stone's private airport, boarding to the Philippines; I can't tell you where exactly in the Philippines, but I want you to know that I'm going to live there from now on; tell them I'm taking a break, and I'll call you once every two weeks," Roseanna began quickly. "Aideen Drew kidnapped me the day you all leave for Italy. He did whatever he pleased. He took away my innocence day by day," Claire exclaimed, but she remained silent. Roseanna gave her a weak smile.
"Please tell Alysson and the others not to worry about me. Keep your distance from the Stones because they are dangerous. You guys don't really need to be worried because Mrs. Stone helped me get away from her son's hands. She will support my every need. I already have a nice place to live in there and I will have a job. Every two weeks I'll call you all but in different numbers so Aideen Drew won't and can't track me down. Thank you; I'm boarding now to look after my brother and our family. I'm sorry I'll have to miss your wedding. Tell kuya not to wait any longer; have your wedding and be happy. I love you, Claire," she finished, and Claire begins to cry. "Don't cry, Claire."

"Rose- rose, rose, don't leave me," Aideen's voice becomes increasingly low. "Please, Rose, I'll die without you! Don't abandon me!" he yelled, grabbing my waist.

I almost jumped out of fear and surprise. My fantasy has become a reality. It appears to be true. I touched my cheeks just to feel the tears.

Was I crying? Why? No.

"You got me this time, Aiden Drew," I murmured, shaking my head.

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