Daycare AU

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A/N- So Uhm- First chapter inspired by @Roach_Coach  and uhm. Ye its gonna be trash . So enjoy this shit I came up with at 2 am (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ rivals duo best friends au Also just look at the illustrations. And no Tommy's not part of the SBI family here, hes a part of the staff with tubbo, ranboo and purpled. ALSO PAPA PUFFY AND SCHLATT BABY

Wilburs POV-

I signed, this place again. To be honest I didn't really hate the Daycare, I just found it... boring. Sure I had a few friends here and there, but overall. There was nothing to do here. 

"Bye Wilbur, Bye Techno!" Came phils voice, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Yea, Bye dad..." Me and techno both said in Unison. This place was boring, At least that was something I thought, Unlike me. Techno had met... a friend? Ally? I don't even know, his name was Dream- And I guess he was a great friend, because I knew my Brother had picky tastes in people. I never talked to him, just saw him here and there. He was pretty tall for a guy if i say so myself, Standing at a Height of 5'2, That's pretty tall for an 11 year old. he was blond, had short wavy hair and Pale green eyes. he was also the best at ALL the activities, tied with techno. Techno said he was fun. Talkative? Not really the type of friend I'd expect Techno to have. "Well, WILBUR! Dreams here got to go now! Bye!" And off he went towards the boys direction 'Smart idiot' I thought. Well, better greet everyone I guess- Even though there were many children at the Daycare , I just knew a few. And those were Dream, Techno , Fundy , Niki , Eret , Joe, Ash ,  Mark and gogy..., now that he thought about it, that is a lot. He even knew Quackity and Karl but had never talked to them. He saw dream chatting with Sapnap and gogy, ' 2 birds with one stone I guess '  "Hey Teletubby, hey Gogy!", Dream signed and said "Hey Wilbur" With a hint of tiredness in his voice, "Hey Wilbur!" Gogy said cheerily , in his cute British accent. "Where's Techno?", "Oh, Tubbo's scolding him cuz he said that Tommy was a wimp.", "He wasn't wrong was he" said Gogy, rolling his eyes. 

They made me smile, even if only for a little bit. I noticed Sapnap was just standing awkwardly, as if waiting to be called. "Also, Hi Sapnap!" I said in a guilty voice, "Yea, hi Wilbur" He said, his tone kind of relieved as if he thought I forgot about him. "Well I gotta say hi to everyone else now I guess. Bye guys-", "Bye Wilbur!" They shouted back at me. Huh, kinda wish I had friends like that, I thought as I watched them immerse in conversation again. "Hey Niki." I said quite flatly when I saw her with Minx. "Oh, hey Wilbur! Is there something wrong?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Oh- I think I made it look like I was sad "Nah nothings wrong, just didn't feel it today." "Oh, well see ya then!" She said as she got pulled away by Minx, who was shouting obscenities that Id never even heard of to a random boy. "Minx STOP" Niki groaned as she got pulled away by Minx who was getting a bit too heated for comfort.

 I sighed. This was gonna be a long day

Schlatt POV-

I- This was Hell, complete hell. All I wanted was to meet some people, and they come and just BREAK MY TOY? What was I thinking, I thought everyone would be nice here. I should have listened to Mama. But I didn't, and now they broke jam jam. Oof, I shouldn't have gotten into a fight with them.

 "Hey, you ok?" Said a boys voice, right behind him, I turned and saw a Very VERY tall boy in a yellow sweater, he had round glasses and Long wavy hair, His question was the only thing that made me realize I was crying. "Oh yeah, its nothing," 'But your crying?" Said the boy a little confused "Oh I don't know why," Replied Schlatt , quickly hiding his broken toy behind him, he didn't want to seem childish infront of somebody he met just because he had a toy. "Hey... what's that behind you?" The boy said again confused "Oh yeah, nothing!" Replied Schlatt, "No.. No I saw something." Replied the boy, trying to make Schlatt turn "Hey, personal space!" Said Schlatt, pushing him away in a playful manner. He was getting close though, his chin almost scraping against Schlatts head "Tall people," He grumbled as the boy got up "What was that?" asked the boy, "Nothing" Schlatt said almost immediately. "Wait... is that a toy-" said the boy as Schlatt realized he had taken his hand from behind him to push the boy away "I-I uhm.. no?" said Schlatt, waiting for the mocking laughter, it didn't come, instead he heard "Did somebody break it?", "Well, yes. That jerk over there did. But-", "Wait,  Punz? He doesn't normally do stuff like that?", "I- don't you think its childish. Y'know carrying a... a toy around?", "Nah, I have one myself" said the boy, pulling out a blue sheep plushie from his pocket, "His names Friend.", "Oh-uhm ok then." replied Schlatt, slacking his shoulders. He didn't show it, but he was relieved he had someone who wouldn't make fun of him. It was nice, for a change. "Well, we do have some toys here. If you want of course!", "Yea, I really like those guns and stuff," said Schlatt smiling a little bit, "Oh! Tommy has those", "Uh- whose Tommy?" Schlatt asked a little confused. "You see that dumb looking blonde employee over there, yeah that's Tommy, you can go ask them if you want", "..." , "Ah- you're new here. I'll go ask him for you! "Yeah... I would like that", said schlatt smiling a little bit. But then he realized Wilbur had already run off to tommy.

No Ones POV-

"Hey Tommy!" Wilbur shouted as he was running over to tommy, "Yeah?", said tommy, obviously still hurt from techno calling him a wimp. "Can I please have the gun toy", "What NO, HELL NO. you remember what happened last time I gave it to you?", "I wont give it to Techno, I swear!", "Still NO, you by yourself are still a force to be reckoned with.", "Tommy, PLEASE GIVE ME THE GUN", Wilbur said, losing it. "Uhm Tommy, I think its better if you.. uh- give it to him" Said Tubbo, who started sweating a bit. "U- uhm, yeah. Take the gun Wilbur, JUST TRY NOT TO HURT ANYONE", "I wont, I wont!" said Wilbur, before going off to Schlatt again.

Technoblades POV-

Thankfully, I was able to slip away from Tubbo while he was talking to Wilbur, and now I was heading back to Dream! My bessstttt friend UwU, yeah no quit the joking, he's probably a good friend of mine, But not the best. Anyways, what was that about? Wilbur just suddenly shows up and takes a toy gun from them? And he snaps?? Whose the new kid anyways- DID WILBUR FINALLY MAKE A LEGIT FRIEND? Or was he gonna shoot the new kid with it- I- I don't know. But I could see dream! He was chatting with Sapnap and George- "Hey Dream! Have you seen Wilbur Around?", "Oh him, he just brought a gun for the new kid to play with!", "Oh?" 

'Huh... weird.' Techno thought as he caught up to the Dream team.


 ||A/N~ wow so this is the first chapter...@Roach_Coach you are beautiful and I will love you and your illustrations forever. but well bye I guess I'll post this tomorrow so see you on the flip side. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

MY HEADCANNONS AND ONESHOTSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon