
10 3 5

81- Make aesthetics for your book characters

82- Learn a new hairstyle

83- Edit videos of your friends

84- Make a wish list

85- Make a bucket list

86- Do the bucket list, idiot

87- Buy something random off Amazon 

88- Make a fake account on something and flirt with your parent's through it

89- Paint a tree, any colours, PAINT IT

90- TEN TO GO WHOOP WHOOP. Okay...................................... every time the clock goes to 10, 10 am or pm, go "DONG!!!!! DONG!!!!!!!! DONG!!!!!!!!" Really loud while running around ten times until someone asks "what's wrong with you stupido!" tell me how long it takes, I think you'll be doing this for AGES

91- Randomly break out into singing Let It Go with a really manly accent 

92- Paint your keyboard rainbow

93- Go subscribe to the Vegan Teacher and watch at least 3 of her videos 

94- Go for a walk down to the nearest beach and write a hate letter to yourself, short like "AJ is stupid" "AJ is an ugly chicken nuggie!!" "AJ is a butt butt!" or smth 

95- OMG FIVE TO GO um um um um um this is what I do while thinking of them um um um um um um um go spam your group chat with abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz over and over and over

96- Write on a calendar that's not yours, under Wednesday write "what", under Thursday write "the", and under Friday write "fuck"

97- Have a Disney movie marathon with your friend's over a meet/call or physically if you can 

98- Every night dead on 11 o'clock, play a sound off your phone, creepy, idc, and wait for your family to be really freaked out to then stop playing it. Your choice whether you tell them or not

99- OOMFG SO CLOSe kay steal your neighbour's garden bins and paint "TAKE ME" over all of them, OBVIOUSLY when no one's watching

100- 100 YAAAAAAAAH BOI have a party!! buy shit off online shopping and hold a family party,play music and dance cringe and eat , have fun!!

Pahaha this is so random,  can't believe I actually got to 100 though. Thank you so much for reading 100 things to do if your bored, I really appreciate your view's, vote too, or I'll find you. Jk ................. or am I?? no I dont mind. Hope I bought your day joy, made you smile, that was really a goal with this book.

I recommend making one of these books if you're bored, you might not get a lot of views, like mine, but it's still fun and random :)

Go check out my other book, about a girl who get's kidnapped to help save a fantasy kingdom she know's nothing about, then fall's in love with the king, but can't stay in the kingdom, and he find's her a few year's later, ta da! That ones called Friends.

Are you part of the PJO fandom?? No, okay then just vote and you can go. But if so! I've written a one shot book, check out all the chapter's, soulmates, wedding's, fluff, angst, reaction's, music, it's amazing. 

Go check out the author's note, it's the next part, kay bye!


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