Chapter 11

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"Do any of you want to go see a movie?" Timothee asked the group, all of them nodding.

"What movie?" (Y/n) asked.

"Spider-Man far from home? Or Midsommar?" Timothee offered. "Those are the only two playing.

"Not Midsommar!" Florence objected.

"Why? You were in that movie?" (Y/n) asked.

"I don't like horror movies! Let's see Spider-Man!"

"Alright, Spider-man it is. Now, I have a fun idea. (Y/n), dare or dare?" Timothee asked.

"Dare." (Y/n) replied, scoffing about how he had no choice but to pick dare.

"I dare you to...try to sneak into the movie for free." Timothee told him.

"Oooh! Okay!"

"Let's go!" Florence announced, getting up and going to the car.

When they got to the theater, Timothee brought out a suitcase. "Alright (Y/n), get in."

He struggled a bit, but he managed to fit in. "Okay, (Y/n) say something to the camera." Florence told him, recording the whole thing.

"Hi camera! I'm living the life! Yolo!" He told the camera, putting up a peace sign. Emma, Saoirse and Eliza just watched while trying not to laugh.

"Alright, let's go. I'm zipping you up now." Timothee shared, closing the suitcase. He grabbed the suitcase handle and put the suitcase up so it could move.

"Ow!" (Y/n) shouted through giggles.

"Sorry! Be quiet!" Timothee shushed him.

"Don't hurt him!" Emma shrieked.

"Okay! I didn't mean to!" Timothee defended. Emma rolled her eyes at him and they kept walking. They managed to get to the ticket scanner before the manager stopped them.

"You guys can't bring that in there." The manager told them.

"It's our snacks though! We aren't sneaking anyone in!" Saoirse objected.

"Yeah, can we see the snacks then?" The manager asked.

"Uh...." Timothee stuttered, the manager opening the suitcase.

"BOO!" (Y/n) shouted, the manager jumping back in fright while (Y/n) ran away. "Go! Go go go! Run!" He shouted, running and sliding under the rope blocking the entrance with Timothee following behind. Florence was laughing and recording the whole interaction, the video being posted onto instagram.

"(Y/n)! Get back here!" Emma shouted, and he came back to the manager.

"Sorry for scaring you want an autograph to make up for it? Maybe a picture?" He offered, and the manager nodded.

"Sure." They took a quick selfie and (Y/n) signed his uniform hat. He also recorded a video for the manager's daughter who was a big fan of his movies and signed an old poster of his most recent movie for her.

"Alright, well Florence is in the movie, so can we go for free?" Timothee asked.

"But we're not seeing Midsomm--"

"Shut up Florence!" Timothee shushed her.

"What movie are you seeing?"

"Spider-Man no way home, but we can pay for the tickets." Eliza butted in, and Emma nodded.

"Six tickets please." Emma asked, and the manager nodded. They paid for the tickets and went inside the theater, Florence showing (Y/n) the videos she took.

"That was funny! I looked so cool, scaring him and running!" He told her, and she nodded.

"Very cool."

They got in their seats and (Y/n) was sitting in between Saoirse and Emma. Emma and (Y/n) had their hands connected the entire movie, and Saoirse was kind of a third wheel. At the end of the movie they went out to a sushi restaurant and all ate sushi together.

Once they got back to the apartments, (Y/n) and Emma decided to have a sleepover. They both had ice cream from (Y/n)'s freezer and ended up falling asleep on the couch together, Emma's head resting on (Y/n)'s chest.

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