A story about survival

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  In a vast place full of wonder I am entranced by what could be and could've been. Alive under the starlight I often gazed at the sky and wondered about the things that lay beyond our reach. And I find myself being called...by the cosmos.

Since I was a little girl I have dreamed of becoming an astronaut. What a wonder it is for us to be so close yet so far.

Today my acceptance letter has arrived by my door step, I have been accepted by FASA to join in their mission to search for a new home. If I succeed then it would be a great feat made by humanity.

At this moment we depart from the atmosphere and I cannot contain my excitement, as the countdown begins I close my eyes and brace myself.











A big black void devoid of life but shining with millions upon millions of stars blinking back at me through the window of the spaceship. It feels like ages had gone by it was years since I left earth, the days on the ship are long and quite lonely despite the presence of other team members around me. Everyone was nice to me with exception of the cold hostility of a man who goes by the name Marvin.

One day as it progressed I was doing my usual checkup when a red light shone madly, it was a signal for a grave problem.

Desperate I hurried to the control room to see Iris and Lenore attempting to take control of the situation. Apparently there has been a problem with the outer layer of the ship, faulty wiring should I presume. We needed somebody to go outside and fix it before it could cause more problems.

Putting on my suit I prepped myself carefully with help of others, soon I am outside just about to finish with the job when I felt strange as if I am being pulled by an invisible force to who knows where.

Tugging at the tube that connects me to the ship I made my way to the entrance until... Just as I was about to head inside the tube snapped and disconnected me from the ship, unfortunately I was not fast enough and was not able to grab unto something before drifting apart to the only thing that could save me.

Drifting farther and farther away I could still hear the voices of my team mates as they tried talking to me till I die, there is no point in this for I am too far away and the voices grow fainter and fainter by every passing second.

It is funny how the thing that I loved most has ended up being the thing that kills me. I sat and wondered about the world around me, it was so empty, cold and big so big in fact there shall never be an end to this. I am mad enraged by how could I possibly die like this, no I cannot die. Even as my breaths grew shallow I still denied that this is the end there has to be something more to this no.... Way.... Could I...

As the little astronaut took her last breath the world stayed the same and her corpse shall stay there too till it drifts into the sun or black hole. This is the fate chosen for her and she cannot escape it no matter how hard she tried, struggling her whole life to survive all the hardships of life she had tried to run away from it alas this shall be a lesson to remember: you may be a survivor not but in the end you always die.

The End?

This needs major editing but I will just put it out there and fix it whenever I feel like it. If you don't see this message then the story would be edited. (Finally)

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