Haunted house

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   At the end of a dirt track, trees parted to reveal an old, rundown house. There were no signs of life. There were no birds flying in the sky, no stray cats hunting for mice. The house was completely empty. The windows were covered up and the paintwork had faded, suggesting that no one lived here for years.

Suddenly, a sound emerged from the house. Was it the cry of a child?  Or was it the warnings of a mad person?

  I shivered, it feels like the wind is asking me to be curious. There is no way right? There is no way the is house I really haunted. I really do think that this is the perfect place for my photography work, if I back up now then there will be nowhere for me to go and I would lose my opportunity to capture something.


  Slowly creeping on these wooded floors surrounded by a maddening silence, I could almost imagine something popping out of the shadows even though it is day time.

And then I heard it, a soft tapping, a rapping like I never heard before but as quick as it came the sound vanished but my heart could not settle once more.

Tap. Tap. Tap.


Or is that my imagination running because of my fear?

  In this place you are bound to lose sense of time as everything seems frozen as if it was a picture, the way sunlight washes the old furniture makes it look like a hazy dream bathed in mist but is my sight fooling me now? I saw a shadow, multiple shadows that look like my own however when I turned there was nothing.

   The house seemed small at first
Before I asended the stairs, wandering through the hall I failed to notice that the sun has set so I hurried to go back but kept getting lost, I cannot find my way back! How did this happen?!

Tap. Tap. Tap


So I wasn't wrong after all, there is something here. With inhuman speed that made me look like a demon trying to run, my efforts seems futile as the steps only grow nearer and nearer.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

At last I found the stairs, stumbling and tumbling I almost fell on my face. That is the least of my worries What is important right now is to not to get killed.

The door!

The door!

It is right there!

Grasping at the door with frenzy my hands sweating profusely, just why won't the door open already?!

I froze.

In a second it felt as if there was someone breathing down my neck. I dare not turn back.  It was silent as a ghost.

As I peeked cautiously behind....there was nothing. Only darkness and nothing more.

(You don't have to read this part it's just extra)


  Suddenly I awoke next to the road with the forest far behind. I do not know if that place I still there but I shall venture no further.

I do not wish to go back there again whether that place really existed or not. Whatever was in there did not want me back either.


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