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Flicking the life support switch Melissa sighed. No body had called for the missing girl, so she had no choice but to turn it off. Her lifeless body had been laying under the pasty sheets for a week. The blood had been removed from her body, the odd thing was, there were no scars. She asked her son if he had any clue as to what the girl could be — for if she was human, she would of been dead when the jogger found her — but what he smelt he couldn't explain, it wasn't werewolf, that was for sure.

The rhythmic beeps filled the sterile room. Melissa's eyes snapped up, looking to the monitor which had been silent for the past seven days.

She studied the lump which was tucked under white sheets. It's frame slowly rose and sunk, then rose and sunk. They weren't shallow breaths like they had been earlier, when she was gripping to life, no these were deep breaths, breathe of life.

She was alive.

Melissa couldn't help but let out a little squeal and a smile spread across her face; although almost suddenly she frowned. How was she alive?


"Do you remember your name?"

The girl was sitting, a tray of food sat on the table which had been wheeled over her bed. The soup was lumpy and the jello was an unnatural yellow. The girl couldn't help but scrunch her face up, she was so not eating that.

The girl blinked a few times, her eyebrows pulled into a deep frown of thought, stirring the soup, she watched the lumps of unidentifiable food float to the surface. She grimaced.

"Bailey." She finally responded.

"How old are you Bailey?"

"— Melissa, your sons here."

Melissa turned to her colleague and nodded.

Looking back at the girl she smile lightly,

"How about we continue this tomorrow?"

The girl nodded and gave a small smile back. "Okay."

Melissa nodded with another motherly grin. "Get some sleep." Then grabbed the lid to the tray, not before slipping a chocolate bar from the vending machine underneath. As Melissa reached the doorframe the girls voice made her pause.

"Do you think I will remember?"

Melissa turned, tucking a piece of her fuzzy hair behind her ear she let out a small sigh of doubt before responding positively.

"I'm sure you will, now sleep it will help."

As Melissa left the room,  the girl let out a sigh. She couldn't help but thinking, what if I don't want to remember?

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Lots of love,

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