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I would like to thank you all – especially the people who continue to vote & comment, I really appreciate it! I know this update is long over due & I do apologise, I hope to have this book finished before February. Thank you everyone for the 2k reads xx
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'Bailey you can not, under any circumstances..tell anyone..that we brought you here with us,' Stiles ordered, his brown eyes bulging like a wild dog, 'Like..at all, okay?'

Bailey watched him with raised brows and humour dancing in her eyes, his hands were flying all over the place as he spoke one in broken sentences as though Bailey were a mere child.  She had been with the duo for less than an hour when  she overheard Scott discussing his plan of going out somewhere, so of course she made sure they took her with them. Anyway, she was being sent to the next County over tomorrow, then being fostered to some random family, why not have a little fun.

Rolling her eyes, she placed one hand over her heart and one raised hand as though she were in court, then — with obvious sarcasm — recited, 'I, Bailey Jeans, solemnly swear I will not under any circumstance, tell anybody, that you took me..' She trailed off as they pulled out the front of a stingy looking Tattoo Parlour.

'Seriously guys, a tattoo parlour!' She exclaimed, 'Oh my gosh you made it out like we were going to kill somebody.'

They both turned to her, looked at each other, then back to her before both breaking out into a ramble of scoffs and defence, 'What? Pffft, murder, what sort of people do you think we are?'

She raised her brows, 'Do you really want me to answer that?'


'Boy, good thing you drew me a picture.' The tattooist said rather sarcastically looking at the two simplistic bands Scott had drawn.

Bailey looked around the room with crossed arms and a scrunched up face. This place smelled like sweaty pits and bad sanitiser. She had little interest in tattoos, but then again for all she could know she might have one on her butt that she lacked knowledge of. She made a mental note to check that when they got home.

'Hey Scott! Sure you don't want something like this?' Stiles was showing a picture of a large, human-like lizard, 'Too soon? Kay.'

Slotting the image back into its place he wondered over to Scott.

'I don't know, man, you sure about this?' Stiles asked, 'These things are pretty permanent, you know?'

'I'm not changing my mind.' Scott told him which seemed like the umpteenth time.

'Okay. But why two bands?'

'I just like it.'

'But don't you think your first tattoo should have some sort of meaning you know or something?' Stiles contradicts — this kid just does not stop with the questions, Bailey thought.

'Getting a tattoo means something.' Scott tells him.

'I don't think that's– '

'He's right you know Tattooing goes back thousands of years.' The Tattooist agreed, 'The Tahitian word tatau means leave a mark. Like a rite of passage.'

'Yeah, ya see? He gets it.'

'He's covered in tattoos, Scott.  Literally.'

Bailey rolled her eyes at their antics, 'I think I'll just wait in the car.'


Bailey was awoken by the sound of shattered glass and loud feminine screams. Sitting up at an extremely fast rate her head hit the low roof. Letting out a grown she ignoring the pain and pushed herself out of the jeep. Marching towards the group of people huddled around a car, Bailey heard Scott's voice.  

'No it was scared.'

Reaching the front of the car she saw Scott stroking a dead stag, it's body had smashed through the screen of the car and his rich red blood stained the cracked glass.


'What the hell is going on?' Bailey asked, her once sleepy state had been obliterated by the site of dead stag.

Scott and Stiles then remembered the fact the mysterious Bailey Jeans had come with them.


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Feel free to comment thoughts & feedback.
Votes are much appreciated and I'll be sure to check out anyone else's work — if similar — next update due tomorrow or the day after.
— h4ppie

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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