Dance Lesson with Mr Fandango

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(This is more of a ship chapter but its all I had motif for and I wanna update this fic regularly so deal with it hoes)

The bell rang, signalling the end of the day, the hoards of students ran out the room, despite Scaramouche telling them not to. In less than a minute, the Dance Studio was empty as Scara flopped onto his chair.

"Fuckin' teens... might aswell not even have my fucking job if they don't listen.."
He groaned, before going on his phone, he didn't have to be home for another 3 hours and he couldnt be bothered marking books.

After around 10 minutes, the door swung open. Soon after, a familar ginger entered the room.

"...what do you want?" The Drama Teacher scolded at Childe, not even looking up.

"Ouch... no need to be mean.. I just wanted a lesson." He sat ontop of Scara's desk.

"A- Lesson? Why the fuck-" Scaramouche looked up from his phone, only to be shut up by Childe's suit.

"..why are you wearing that?"

Childe looked down at his suit, before hopping off. "Isn't it obvious? I want a dance lesson."

Scaramouche couldn't help but let out a laugh, as he placed his phone on the desk and stood up:
"And do tell, why would I ever teach you? You're like the perfect replica of a meth addict."

Childe looked at a nearby mirror and moved his hair a bit, not replying.

"..bitch answer me-" Scara raised his voice, walking towards the man.

Childe still didn't answer, but as Scaramouche went to wave his hand in his face, Childe grabs him by the wrist and pulls him into a bachata pose, his face dangerously close to the shocked Scara.

"Because, this is all I know. And I wanna know more.."  Childe pulled Scaramouche back up, as Scara proceeded to push him away.

"W-WHAT THE FUCK?" Scaramouche backed away more, practically red with anger.

"Well? Will you teach me?" Childe didn't seem phased at all, simply staring into Scara's eyes.

"NO??? Don't think just because you caught me off guard and made m-"

"I'll pay."

Scaramouche shut up, he breathed in and out deeply before asking;

"...How much?"

"60 for an hour of your 'precious' time." Childe smirked as he did inverted commas motion when saying precious.

Scara thought for a moment, before sighing and nodding.
"Fine. But we're dancing my way. I don't want to hear any fucking complaints, you get me?"

Childe nodded and put on some music before holding his hand out, as Scara grabbed it and pulled him into a salsa.

"Follow my lead, you fucking idiot.." Scaramouche said, not even laying eyes on the Giggling Childe as he tried to stay in line with Scara's movements.

"Hey Scara-" Childe tried to talk, only for Scara to shush him.

"No talking. Now, you should have the hang of it, so take the lead this time."
Scara let go of Childe, and held his hand out this time. The PE Teacher didn't take his hand at first.

"...Childe- take my fucking h-" Before he could finish, Childe pulled him in close, holding one hand high up and placing his other hand on Scara's waist.

"Like this?" He asked, staring down at the flustered Scaramouche.

"..y-yeah... but you're going too slow, its more of a.." Scara began trying to move more, only for Childe to take control again, moving his feet to the rhytm of the song and pulling the befuddled Scaramouche with him.

After a few tries at dancing, Childe lifted Scara up and spun as Scaramouche started shouting.

"Wha-" Childe placed him down as the music stopped.


The Drama Teacher was so red it was embarrassing, as Childe chuckled.

"Alright- Alright. I'm sorry.. we still have like, ten minutes left so..."

Scaramouche crossed his arms and shook his head. "No more. Anymore and I'd fucking kill you.." 
Childe shook his shoulders, and began leaving.

"...Wait-" Scaramouche looked over to Childe before walking over.

"Huh? Did I forget something?" Childe looked puzzled as the Drama Teacher put his hand out.

"We might aswell use the last ten minutes.." Scaramouche looked away, waiting for Childe to grab his hand.

"Aww, is my company that fun?"
Childe chuckled again, before placing his hand on Scara's.

"N- no... I just want the money."

"Uhhh huh... whatever you say."

Scaramouche scoffed at the man and pulled him into the middle of the room, tightening his grip on Childe's waist and Hand as he started stepping forward and backwards to the beat.
Childe followed suite, as Scaramouche began getting more energetic, which resulted in moving faster and pulling Childe around. During a music break, Scaramouche climbs onto a table so he was level height with the tall Pe Teacher.

"...a bit excessive, don't you think?"
Childe questioned, while trying to hold his laughter in.

"Shut up." Scaramouche was about to start dancing, but the hour was up.

" what a bummer." Childe groaned as Scaramouche sat on the table.

"Oh, boo hoo. Now Where's my money?"

"...I don't have it."

Scaramouche looked up, and pulled him down via shoulders and stared dead into Childe's eyes.

"So. You're telling me, I've just spent an hour not trying to kill you for nothing?"

Childe let out a small bit of laughter, he couldnt help it.

"Basically! Pfft-" He hung his head while laughing so he didn't have to see Scara's face.

"...fucking bitch!- well- I'm not leaving without something so.." Scaramouche grabbed Childe by the head and pulled him in for a kiss, it lasted around 15 seconds as Scara then pulled away.

" suck at kissing. Now fuck off-"

Childe stood up. "Scara.. you do realise I lied when I said I didn't have that 60.."

Scaramouche's face turned to a devasted look, as he quickly hopped off the table and left the room, not uttering a single word apart from curses.
Childe stood there for a solid minute, trying to process the fact Scaramouche even went there.

"Does he... no way.. Pfft- he couldnt have.. right?..unless.... holy shit.."

The PE Teacher couldnt help but gasp at the revelation, eventually a smile emerged as he left the room in a joyful mood.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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