Chapter 7

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|Touya's POV|

 "Hey, do you wanna be friends?" I looked up and saw a white-haired boy with golden eyes. He held his hand out, waiting for me to grab them. I did and he helped me up.

"Sure but why do you want to play with me? I'm just the weird kid everyone talks about" I said. He kept smiling, which I found a little weird.

"I don't care what everyone thinks about you. I want to be your friend because you're you. You don't have to act like someone else just to be someone's friend" He said. He's right. Almost everyone at school acts like someone their not just to be someone's friend.

"So, do you wanna play a game?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, what kind of game?" I asked. His smile then turned into a grin.

"Heros and villains. I will be the villain and you be the hero" He said.

"Okay" I said. He then ran where the other kids were. I watched his every move till I saw him taking out a knife and putting it to a girl's throat. I thought it was a fake knife but then I saw how it shined in the sunlight. I then knew that it wasn't a fake knife, so I just stood there.

"Everyone on the ground, now! I'm a dangerous villain that's going to kill you all!" He shouted. Everyone starting screaming and running around. I thought it was funny till I saw a teacher, who was supposed to be watching us, ran up to him. She took the knife away from him and started saying something to him, which he just rolled his eyes and walked up to me.

"Dumb ass teacher" He mumbled under his breath. He then looked at me.

"Why didn't you save everyone?" He asked.

"I'm sorry. I was kind of lost in the moment" I said. He then put both of his hands on the back of his head.

"Oh okay. I forgot to tell you my name. I'm Yuito Suzuki" He said.

"Touya Todoroki" I said, which he probably already knew that.

"Now, since we're friends let's hang out somewhere" He said, walking away. I followed behind him. It's kind of nice just having one friend.

|Years Later|

I can't believe how much Yuito changed now. He's gotten taller than me and he even dyed his hair to a light purple color. He has blue contexts in his eyes, saying he wants to change who he is. We were teenagers when I found out my mom was pregnant with my baby brother. I kept telling Yuito that but he didn't care. He only cared about some girl he was messing around with. I got mad and didn't talk to him for a week. Along that week, I was worried about my baby brother and kept asking my mom 'is he going to come out a normal baby?'  She just giggled and said that I will have to wait and see. Every day of that week, I kept talking to my baby brother through my mom's stomach. I just wanted my baby brother to come to the world already.

As the week went by, Yuito came over to my house and asked 'can I speak to you?' I told him yeah and let him in. We went to my room and I closed the door so no one will come in.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I did okay, I shouldn't ruin my friendship by going with some girl I met. Our friendship means more to me and I want you to know that" He said. I smiled. That sounded so nice.

"So, what was it you wanted to tell me?" He asked. Does he still remember that?!

"Well....." I told him about my mom being pregnant with my baby brother and how happy I was for getting another sibling. I can tell he was happy for me.

"Well, I don't have any siblings but you're like a brother to me" He said. I am? I didn't know that.

|Present Time|

[Momo's POV]

I had to rush out of Shoto's house as fast as I can. I couldn't stay in there with Haruki. He took what ment to me than my whole life. Is this what depression feels like?

"I will get him back...." I mumbled. I got to my house and walked up the stairs. I opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind me. I then saw my father, sitting down with some women. He looked at me and his smile faded from his face.

"Why aren't you dressed as a girl?" He asked.

"Because I'm a boy. I wanna be the gender I was born as not what you want me to be" I said. Wow, this is the first time I've stood up to my father. It feels good.

"You are a disgrace to this family" He said. I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs to my room. I opened the door and closed it once I was inside. I went to my bed and sat down. I wonder what Shoto and Haruki are doing? I think I made the wrong choice by leaving. I can feel it in my gut. I laid down, looking up at the ceiling. I felt a small pain on the side of my neck but I didn't think much of it. I then felt as if someone was touching my upper thigh. I sat up quickly and look around. No one came into my room because I would have heard the door open.

"Must be my mind playing tricks on me" I mumbled. I laid back down and put my hands on my stomach.

"Momo!" I heard my mother called my name.

"Coming!" I shouted. I sat up, still looking around. I then stood up and walked towards my door. I opened it and walked downstairs. I then saw my mother and father standing beside each other. Where's that women I saw earlier?

"We have to tell you something" my mother said. Not again.

"We are getting a divorce" my father said, no emotion in his voice. Part of me didn't care but the other part was mad. I looked at my mother and saw the sadness in her eyes. She really loved that man I called father, she really did.

Chapter 7 is out! I wanted to do Touya's past only half of it because I'm lazy. Hope ya like it!

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