Chapter 16

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[There are going to be a lot of timeskips in this chapter because I'm lazy. I also have tests coming up. We shouldn't have this many tests coming up people!! Anyway, my friend will do this story. On with the story]

|Momo's POV|

After Shoto changed into his clothing, he sat on his bed with his legs crossed. I sat in a chair that was at his table, a few inches away from his bed. I was surprised by what he said to Touya. I never heard him talk back to anyone like that. Maybe he's trying to change. For the best, of course.

"So, Shoto. What do you want to do?" I asked him. He looked at me for a second then turn his head.

"I...just wanted to you" He said, his cheeks turning a light pink. Wait, is he blushing? For what?

"About what?" I asked.

" body" He said, whispering the last part. His body?! I feel my cheeks getting hot. I mean I always wanted to touch his body but I...I have a girlfriend now.

"W-what about your body?" I asked. His face got even redder than before.

"Every t-time I think a-about this p-person, m-my body a-acts...different. C-can you tell m-me what it i-is?" He asked.

'Momo, go check out what it is' No Momo! You can't, you have a girlfriend.

'It's not called cheating if she doesn't see or know, right' Well, I don't have to tell her. What are you saying Momo? She's going to know anyway.

'Oh, come on! It's just going to be this one time' Yeah, you're right. Just one time. I then stood up and walked over to Shoto. I put my hands on Shoto's shoulders and lean him on the bed.

"Momo, what a-are you doing?" Shoto asked. I got on top of him and lean down till I was close enough to his face.

"M-momo-" I cut him off by kissing him. It felt so good. Something was taken over my body. He then pushed me away.

"M-momo! Why did y-you do that?" He asked. I got closer to him again.

"Come on, I won't hurt you" I said. I got back on top of him and kissed him. I-I won't hurt him.

|Weeks Later|

God, I messed up! I messed up our friendship. I don't know what came over me. For now on, I'm not going to listen to my thoughts. I'm sitting in my room, just thinking. I haven't told Itsuka what happen but she needs to know. I can't keep this secret away from her.

'You can't tell her you almost sexually assaulted your best friend' All I did was kiss him and...maybe bit his neck and touch him in unwanted places.

'That's called sexual assault, dumbass. Look, just say sorry to him' I can't! I already said sorry to him a hundred times. Our friendship is over with!

'Hm...Oh! You can stand outside his window, holding a radio with a love song playing!' Not gonna happen. I don't want people looking at me with weird faces as they walk by.

'You can take him somewhere he likes. He's got to have a special place or something' Yeah, he does have a special place but we're not friends anymore, remember?

'Ah, shit I don't know what to tell, man'

'Yeah, this is kind of your fault' Well, it is. I just have to face it. I have to deal with reality. I stood up and walked over to my window. Right now it's raining, which is kind of depressing. Tomorrow is Friday. Mr. Aizawa isn't going to be at school because something important came up. Mr. Yagi is going to be teaching our class tomorrow. He gives us more work then Mr. Aizawa but It doesn't matter. I'm going to need to clear my mind anyway.

|Next Day|

"Momo, will you please tell us how your day was yesterday in front of the class?" Mr. Yagi asked, which sounded like a statement. I stood up and walked to the front of the class. Everyone was looking at me. I looked at the empty seat that was beside me. God, I miss him so much already. Momo, don't cry, don't fucking cry!

"M-my day yesterday" I stopped when I heard the door opened. I looked to my left and saw a angry Itsuka. Oh, shit.

"Momo, outside now" She said. My classmates looked confused but I just shrugged my shoulders like a dumbass. I walked out of the classroom with Itsuka. When we wasn't in front of my classroom door, she slapped me. It hurts, trust me but I had to be a man.

"Why didn't you told me, Momo?!" She asked, on the verge of tears. How does she know about that?

"T-told you what?" I asked. Why am I being such a dumbass right now?

"That you didn't use protection" She said, tears going down her face. Protection? Protect- oh shit.

"I-I did! It must have broke or something. I swear I used protection" I said. Thank god she doesn't know about what happened weeks ago. I could be laying in a dumpster, dead right now.

"Well, we have to take full responsibility for our baby" She said, wiping her tears and then putting her hand on her stomach.

"Y-yeah, we do" I said. I'm way to young to become a father! We should have just waited till we got older.


It's lunch time and I'm sitting with Midoriya, Uraraka and Iida. Midoriya and Uraraka has been near each other all day now. Something is going on between them, I just can't point it out yet. Wait, is Midoriya and Shoto still dating? I have to ask Shoto- wait, we're not friends anymore.

"Damnit" I mumbled. He's the main person I go to if I have these types of questions. I looked over at Midoriya and Uraraka to see them playing with each other. Ah! Now I know! Midoriya is cheating on Shoto with Uraraka!

I tried, Yukio! Also this is the second time I wrote a chapter in the story. So, I hope you guys enjoy it!!!!

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