Chapter 20

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[These bad boys are the murderers. I couldn't help but to put these bad boys as the murderers because they are hot. Keep in mind that their names are at the bottom of their picture]

[Next Day]

[Sosuke's POV] 

"Aoto, where is Yusei?" I asked. Aoto took his shirt off and looked at me.

"He's at that college, looking for our next victim" Aoto said. I walked over to the window, looking at the people that were walking up and down the road.

"You're talking about Osaka University?" Hayato asked.

"Yeah! That's where he went to" Aoto said. I turned to look at them. Hayato is sitting down just smiling while Aoto still has his shirt off. I sighed and shook my head.

"Come on, guys. If Yusei doesn't find a victim then we have to" I said.

"Alright boss!"

"Fine by me"

|Nakiri's POV|

After I finish putting on my clothes, I sat on my bed. My roommate is out with some friends so she won't be back till midnight. She thought I was a girl but I had to tell her that I was a boy. I get that all the time, even Asahi calls me a girl. I liked him ever since we were kids. He didn't seem to notice me, though. He always stays to himself because of what happened when we were kids. When he almost stabbed that boy, I saw his blue eyes turn red. I thought that my mind was going crazy but his eyes really did turn red. My phone then ringed so I answered it.

"Nakiri, are you doing okay, sweetie?" My mother asked.

"Yes, mother. Everything's fine" I said.

"That's good to hear. I'll call you back sometime okay" She said.

"Yes, mother" I said. She hung up so I put my phone down. I stood up and walked to the door. I opened it and walked down the hallway. I turned right and saw Asahi talking to an orange-haired boy. I didn't know Asahi was at this college. He turns his head and looks at me.

"Oh, hey Nakiri" He said. I felt my cheeks get hot.

"H-hi" I said. He walked over to me with the orange-haired boy behind him.

"This is my first time seeing you wear boy clothes" He said.

"Yeah. Who's that?" I asked.

"Oh, this is Kenji, my new friend" He said. The orange-haired boy waved at me. I feel like I saw him before.

"Nice to meet you" Kenji said. I smile.

"Nice to meet you too" I said.

"Let's hang out somewhere" Kenji said.

"Alright" Asahi said.


|Shoto's POV|

"Did big brother call back yet?" Ahmya asked. I shook my head as I look at my phone.

"No, he hasn't" I said, looking at her. She frowned as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Oh, man! He was supposed to call us" She said.

"It's fine if he didn't. You wanna go to the park and play a little?" I asked. She then smiled and grabbed my arm.

"Yeah! Come on let's go!" She said, pulling my arm.

"H-hey! Wait, I have to put my shoes on" I said. She let go of my arm. I walked to the door and put my shoes on. I then look back at Ahmya and smiled.

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