Chapter Twelve

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The Torchwood team cautiously follow him up to the console, their eyes still wide, as the sweep across the gigantic room. As they make their way toward Jack, the immortal says, "Okay, so, what's your brilliant plan to track the Brotherhood?"

The Doctor grabs the small device he had been sonicing earlier, and tosses it to him. "That. A gift from the missus. She promises it will track them, should they ever show up." He lifts his arm, pointing a finger into the air beside him, "I told her it wouldn't happen. Said they were being tracked by the Shadow Proclamation." He moves the finger to the air above him, twirling it about, "She knew, She always knows, shes absolutely amazing." As the silence filters through the room, the Doctor peeks up, noticing how everyone, save Sophie, is looking at him strangely. He subconsciously straightens his bow tie, getting back on track by loudly clapping his hands in front of his face.

He doesn't get the chance to say more, as Jack cuts him off, "The missus? Doctor, you dog. Getting married, and not inviting me! Who's the lucky lady? Do I know her?"

"Me, I'm the lucky one. Anyway. I linked the tracker to the sonic. I figure two teams. Team Torchwood, and Team TARDIS, if we split up, we've got a much better chance of finding them. Any questions?"

Sophie raises her hand, and the Doctor begrudgingly points to her. "What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"

Without hesitation, the Doctor states, "38.624 kilometers per hour, or 10 meters per second. Any other questions?"

Owen, without raising his hand calls out, "Why do you know that?"

"Why don't you?"

"Because I'm not a nerd."

"Well, that's your problem then, isn't it. Anyone else?"

"How do I know you won't leave any of us to die?" Ianto asks, drawing sympathetic looks from his Torchwood compatriots.

"He doesn't abandon people, not to die. Sure, there are circumstances sometimes where he can't do anything, but he always tries. He mourns every loss, and regrets every death," Sophie states, looking over at her friend, as his head droops down, his eyes gazing at the ground.

Jack pats Ianto on the back, asking a question of his own. "Once we find them, what are we gonna do with them."

The Time Lord's head pops up, looking at the ex-Time Agent. "Well, good question that." The Doctor's hands once again raise into the air, swirling, clapping, and snapping as he speaks, "I could call the Shadow Proclamation, but the last thing I need is a Judoon Platoon anywhere near Earth's moon."

"We could take them, and imprison them at Torchwood," Jack offers.

"That's the last place I want any alien to  be."

"C'mon, Doc, we gotta do something once we catch them."

The Doctor sighs, "Alright. We'll take them to your 'Hub' in the TARDIS, at least until I can get the Shadow Proclamation to agree to not send an entire platoon of Judoon." He claps his hands in front of him, "Right, yes good." His pointer fingers rise till they are level to his forehead, "Now, if there are no more questions, I say we get a wiggle on."

Sophie side eyes the Doctor, deigning not to comment on his use of 'wiggle on.' She sidles up, standing next to him, her hand slipping into his, "Team TARDIS." 

He happily squeezes it back, "Does this mean I have regained my position as your best friend?"

"Are you planning on kicking me again?" The Gallifreyan rolls his eyes, leaning down and giving cheek a quick kiss. "I'll take that as a no then. Also, if you are transporting pyromaniac aliens in this ship, I'd appreciate it if you didn't show them where I live."

"Oh, always picky aren't we." He pitches his voice up, in a terrible impression of Sophie, "Oh, Doctor, don't go and sacrifice yourself to the giant spiders. Oh, Doctor, don't climb the giant tower to fight the Master. Oh, Doctor, don't bring pyromaniac aliens to my house. Never satisfied, you." Sophie whacks the Doctor in the stomach, which he follows with a loud, "Ow!"

"And yet, you didn't listen those first two times, and look where that got you." The Time Lord opens his mouth to protest, but Sophie continues, not giving him the chance, "Dead, it got you dead. Maybe, just once, you could listen to me?"

He sighs, "Fine. But, for your information," he starts, wiggling a finger at her, "If I had listened to you those other times, then you wouldn't have cool, bow tie wearing me. Or a universe, no universe either." He walks over to the console, his hands maneuvering skillfully across the console. He flicks a rubik's cube that is in the middle, spinning a bow legged ballerina. He presses a group of buttons, making them shine a brilliant blue. Flipping a cluster of switches, he runs back, pulling a giant lever, and the ship comes to life, a wheezing, groaning sound permeating the air. The TARDIS rocks back and forth, jostling her passengers round.

From by the door, Jack whoops, "Man, I missed this!" Ianto is next to him, holding onto the immortal for stability, gazing up at the rising, and falling console.

A thud sounds through the room, as the console stops moving, Sophie letting go of the console, "I thought, since we weren't travelling through time, it would be an easier ride!"

"Oh, did you?" the Doctor indignantly asks. "Next time I'll let you fly. We'll see how well you do."

"Oh, shut up."

The Doctor resumes his place beside Sophie, scooping her hand into his. "Ah, you love me." She just rolls her eyes, smiling while shaking her head. "Alright," the Time Lord starts, attempting to clap his hands together, until he remembers Sophie's hand in his. "So. Team Torchwood, you go north, Lyn and I will go south."

Owen, who still seems shocked after the whole shaking of the box, turns to the doors, pulling them open. "Holy sh*t!"

"Oi!" the Doctor shouts at him, "Watch your language!"

"We moved. The box moved."

The Gallifreyan drops Sophie's hand, storming up to stare at the doctor, "Well what did you think it was doing? It's a spaceship. Of course we moved! Jack, why would you-" Sophie stops him from saying anything rude by quickly placing her hand over his mouth.

"Sorry about him. You should go out, turn your tracker on. We can meet back here in..."

"Two hours," Jack finishes for the eighteen-year old. "Let's head out."

The Torchwood team follows their leader from the bigger on the inside box, the doors drifting shut behind them. As soon as they're gone, Sophie let's the Doctor's face go, stepping slightly away from the Time Lord. His jaw has dropped, and he wags his finger at her, "Don't do that. I've told you not to silence me. How many times am I going to have to ask?"

"Maybe if you weren't rude to people."

The Gallifreyan smiles, grabbing her hand. "Shall we, Lyn?"
Sophie smiles at him, tugging him toward the door, a smile on her face.

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