Chapter Thirty-Nine

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While the Doctor and Jack are under the water, the rest of the team mills about on dry ground. Graham, Ryan, and Yaz stand off to one side, while the Torchwood team stand off to the other. Sophie hovers between the two groups, everyone standing about in an awkward silence.

"Well, who knows how long they'll be," Sophie finally says, getting tired of the quiet. "Ianto, do you happen to have any towels in the van? They'll be needing some when they return."

The Welshman nods curtly, handing Jack's wardrobe to Gwen, before walking around the back of the van. He pulls out two large, fluffy, navy blue towels. Sophie turns around, sliding open the van door. She grabs the Doctor's clothes out of Yaz's hands, folding the clothing pieces and placing them on one of the car seats. Ianto immediately follows suit with Jack's outfit, placing it on the passenger seat.

"Alright, now that we have that handled," Sophie starts, wiping her hands on her trousers, "How've things been at Torchwood lately?" She leans against the van, crossing her arms, and propping one foot up against the side.

"We've been doing well," Toshiko starts, "There has been a lot of rift activity over the past couple of months. It's not the worst I've seen, but still, we've been busy."

Yaz moves a little closer to the group, "What exactly is this rift?"

Tosh looks a bit shocked when Yaz speaks to her, but quickly recovers, "There's a rift in time and space running under Cardiff. It's mostly harmless so most people don't realize that its there."

Gwen continues where Tosh left off, "Sometimes things leak through, tech, objects, even people. That's why we're here, we handle the flotsam and jetsam that finds it's way through the rift and onto earth."

"So wait," Graham starts, stepping forward, "That's what you lot do then? Track down alien debris that floats through this rift? How does no one in Cardiff notice."

"That is basically what we do, yes," Ianto states. "Although it is a bit more complex than that. We have to collect the debris, find out what it does, catalogue it, store it safely, and then file paperwork so future agents know everything that we know."

"And all of Cardiff knows," Owen rolls his eyes, "We're Britain's worst kept secret."

"How come we haven't heard of you then?" Ryan crosses his arms.

Sophie smiles, "When was the last time, before this week, that you found yourself in Wales, Ryan?"

He nods, "Fair point."

Gwen pushes herself off, from where she was leaning against the van, "So, what's the Doctor really like? Jack always talks about him-her-er...them. Is it as fun as he says?"

"Yeah," Yaz smiles, "never a dull moment with the Doctor."

"But it's also pretty dangerous," Ryan adds.

"And occasionally you lose, whether it be a fight, or a person...or your chair."

Ryan pats Graham on the shoulder, "It's okay, Grandad." He then looks back up at the Torchwood people. "My, uh, my Gran died the day we met the Doctor. She was trying to save her, and the universe, but ended up dying instead."

Ianto smiles sadly, "My fiance died because of the Doctor as well. I used to blame him, but now I realize it isn't his fault, but the pain is still there."

"Yeah," Graham agrees, and walks over toward Ianto, "But it ain't the Doc's fault though, is it? She can't help it, in fact, all she ever does is save the day." Ianto smiles at the older man, nodding. "If you don't mind me asking, son, what happened to your fiance?"

Ianto gulps, looking down, "She, uh, she was at the Battle of Canary Wharf, and she ended up turning into a Cyberman. I thought-I thought..." he tapers off, and Graham doesn't hesitate to pull the Welshman into a hug. Ianto accepts the embrace, laying his head on Grahams shoulder, "I thought I could save her, bring her back, but it only ended in more heartbreak, and betrayal."

Yaz looks at the tea boy, her brows pinched, "I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

Ryan nods, walking over to place his hand on Ianto's shoulder, "It's hard losing those you love, but it gets better. Right, Grandad?"

"Yeah, son, yeah it does."

Ianto nods in thanks, as he swiftly wipes the tears from under his eyes. Graham pats his shoulder again, before walking back over to Yaz. 

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