Part Four

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Sawamura Daichi.

"Now that we got that figured out," Monokuma snickered. "It's punishment time."

Suga was in tears, screaming and crying out from emotional pain. The rest of the room pitied him, knowing they might have done the same if they were in his shoes. Noya looked at Daichi with absolute hatred in his eyes as the brown haired captain was dragged off to his punishment.

Daichi was reaching out, his hands desperately trying to reach Suga as Oikawa was trying to hold his silver haired friend back.

"How could he," Noya whispered in the arms of Kiyoko as she held him steady. "Why did Daichi kill him?"

"I don't know," Kiyoko said, looking at the ground. "But this place is slowly driving us all crazy."

"Everyone, please prepare to view the execution," Monokuma smiled after Daichi was out of view.

"We have to watch it," Suga asked, tears still flowing down his face. "This place is sick."

The sixteen of them walked to where Monokuma led them and saw a large screen in front of them. On it, they saw Daichi, standing in front of his team- but they were all right there?

Monokuma must've had access to holograms or something, but they could only imagine how realistic it would be to him. His eyes were wide with relief, seeing the entire team in their gym, until some of the students of Aoba Josai walked into the room.

They watched as Daichi and the makeshift Hinata, Kageyama, Asahi, Nishinoya, and Tanaka went to their sides.

On the other side there were Oikawa, Matsun, Hanamaki, Kunimi, Kindachi, and Watari walking into their side of the court.

Oikawa was up to serve first, his brownish purple eyes locking on Noya. He threw the ball up and served it, but as soon as it reached the Karasuno side of the net, spikes formed on the surface of it. Noya still got in the form to receive. Daichi ran to Noya, but he still received, the spikes on the ball severing his hands from his wrists.

The ball still went up, the blood from Noya's severed hands splattering on the court. Kageyama and Hinata got into place for their insane quick while Daichi was screaming at them to stop.

Kageyama set the ball, the spikes impaling his palms, blood falling out onto his face. Hinata jumped up and tried his best to spike the ball, his right hand falling off in the process, blood spraying out, only to get blocked by Kindachi and Kunimi.

"One more time," Daichi turned and saw Asahi edging on for them to play more.

The sixteen that were watching started at the scene in horror. This wasn't only an execution- it was torture. Having to die by something you love most in the world is hard on anyone.

They watched as Daichi stared at his teammates in horror as he tried to help them, until he was almost knee deep in their blood. Each time one of the members lost too much blood and slowly died, they were swapped out for another player that just died right along with them.

Eventually, Daichi seemed to have just given up, getting his head severed with the ball as Iwaizumi spikes it towards him.

"Daichi!" Suga screamed, his voice cracking and rough. His face was red and his eyes looked dead with grief.

Oikawa hugged his best friend tightly as he sobbed for his lover. Suga gripped tightly onto Oikawa's uniform shirt, his tears stalking the fabric.

"It is time to continue your normal days," Monokuma told them, a sinister smile on his face.

Noya clenched his fists, tears welling up in his eyes. Kiyoko and Tanaka stood on either side of him, there for him in case he were to collapse. The setters surrounded Suga as their squad leader broke down.

What happened this morning had an effect on everyone. They tried to get back into their usual groove, but things never seemed okay. Noya and Suga just never seemed to move on- and no one expected them to. Their boyfriend had been killed that very morning.

Suga had locked himself in his room, not letting anyone but Tanaka in because they were roommates, but he still didn't talk to him. Noya spent his day trying to cope with the loss of Asahi, but it stung to even think about the tall ace. Kiyoko, Yachi, Hinata, and Yaku tried their best to comfort the short libero while he grieved, and he took the help way better than Suga.

Someone, mainly either Tanaka, Oikawa, Kenma, or Akaashi went into his room and tried to talk to him, but he was always just staring at the ceiling and refused to eat anything brought by anyone.

Noya, Yaku, and Hinata were walking around the hallways, talking about short people things to get their minds off the incident this morning when they heard laughing coming from Tanaka and Suga's room.

"Is Suga-san okay," Hinata asked the others, looking over at the door.

"Who knows," Yaku said, his eyes following Hinata's. "Both him and Noya had their fair share of trauma today, they just have different ways of coping."

"But he's laughing like a sociopath," Hinata looked at the door in concern.

"I'd have to admit," Noya agreed with the tangerine. "That is definitely out of the normal for Sugawara."

"Should we ask Oikawa," Yaku looked at the two younger boys. "He is practically Suga's best friend."

The three walked away from the dorm room, still concerned for their silver haired friend. They walked around for a little bit while they were trying to find Aoba Josai's setter. They ended up finding him talking to Kenma, Kageyama, and Akaashi near the gym.

"Oikawa-san," Hinata said, running up to where the pretty setters were.

"What is it, Chibi-chan," he asked as Kenma went to snuggle into the shorter ginger.

"It's Suga-san," he said. "I think something's wrong with him."

"Yeah," Yaku added. "He started just laughing when we passed by his dorm on our walk. It sounded full on like a serial killing sociopath."

"That doesn't sound like something Suga would do," Kageyama thought. "Are you sure it was him?"

"Who else would be in Suga and Tanaka's room," Noya said, crossing his arms in an annoyed manner.

"It wouldn't hurt for me to check out," Oikawa said, shrugging his shoulders as he left the people he was talking to and began to walk the way Yaku, Hinata, and Noya came from.

"Okay, Noya, Hinata, you guys wanna finish our walk to clear our walk," Yaku began turning to the two.

They turned to where the setters were and saw them trying their best to avert their eyes from Kenma and Hinata. Kenma's back was against the wall as he and Hinata made out, small noises coming from the two.

Noya groaned, walking over to his Kouhi and grabbing the back of his shirt, pulling him away from his dual haired boyfriend.

"Kenma," Hinata whined as he was pulled away from his boyfriend by Noya.

"Shoyo," Kenma sighed as the setters were in front of him, not wanting that to happen in front of them again.

"Learn to keep it in your pants," Noya groaned at Hinata. "We are still here ya know and that is something I never wanted to see."

"I need bleach for my eyes," Yaku said, dramatically placing his hand over his forehead. "I am forever scarred."

"Don't act like Lev doesn't brag about all you two do," Hinata looked at him, his brown eyes locked on Yaku's.

Yaku pouted, his lower lip puffing out. "That doesn't count because it wasn't in this hellhole."

Hinata stuck his tongue out at Yaku as Noya let out a small chuckle. He would survive this thing- for Asahi Azumane. 

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