Part Six

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   Hinata was somehow still smiling at his friend and boyfriend as he got transferred onto the bed, his face still dangerously pale. It worried everyone, how determined he was to keep pushing forward- which made him an amazing volleyball player, but a very stupid human.

"Hinata, keep breathing for me, okay?" Yamaguchi said, looking around at the supplies available to him. "Can someone find me some pain meds, or a sterile IV with morphine or anesthetics?"

"I'll look," Tsukishima said, walking around the decent sized room.

"You really know your stuff, Tadashi," Tanaka marveled at the skillfulness of his underclassmen.

"Try being the oldest cousin to a bunch of little clumsy brats- plus one of the only ones that doesn't risk my life during volleyball practice- and you'll understand why I bothered to learn about this stuff," he said, never losing focus on Hinata.

Tsukishima came back with a couple small bottles of medicine, double checking the labels before giving them to Yamaguchi.

"There are no IV's, but they have a surprisingly large collection of pain meds," Tsukishima told his boyfriend.

"I wonder why," Bokuto jokes, trying to lighten the dreary mood a bit. He got a bunch of stares, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Bad timing, I know."

"I know you were just trying to make things easier, Bokuto-san," Akaashi came over to accompany his boyfriend. "And we appreciate the effort."

"Yeah," he sighed. "I should've picked a time when my disciple wasn't in this situation."

Kenma gave Bokuto a death look, shutting up the dual haired owl. He turned his attention back to his boyfriend as Yamaguchi did his best to treat his orange haired friend.

He had given the shorter boy some medications that would take away his pain and put him to sleep so he could clean and wrap the wound before it got infected.

"Get out," Tsukishima told everyone, trying to push the few closest to the bed away. "Yams needs space so he doesn't get nervous."

"I'm not leaving Shoyo," Kenma said, standing his ground.

"I got it," Kuroo sighed, knowing the pain that was about to be inflicted on him.

He walked up to Kenma and quickly picked him up and ran out of the room, a few pounds from Kenma's strong punches hitting his back. The others walked out as well, Tsukishima staying in order to hand Yamaguchi any tools that he needed.

"I want to see Shoyo," Kenma said, his face red and tear stained as he fought against the taller volleyball players. "Let me through before I end all of you!"

"Sorry, Ken," Kuroo said, stopping the blonde from passing. "You heard Tsukki. Yamaguchi needs room to work, and us crowding around him will do no good."

"I want to be in there with him," Kenma said, new years beginning to will up in his eyes. "This wouldn't have happened if I would have just stayed by his side."

"This isn't your fault," Yaku said, comforting his teammate. "Noya and I are older, and we should have been more watchful and protected Shoyo more."

"Stop!" Noya tried, catching everyone's attention. "Stop pinning the blame on yourselves. This still would've happened, no matter who it was. If not Shoyo, it would've been me, or Yaku. If Kenma did come with us, it might've been him. Pitying yourselves will do nothing!"

"The little dude is right," Bokuto said.

"Yeah," Kuroo agreed. "We just have to be patient and trust that Yamaguchi and Tsukki know what they're doing."

"Well, whenever I broke my nose when we were doing drills and I tripped over Hinata," Kageyama recalled. "After Tsukishima snapped Yamaguchi out of his 'faint after seeing blood' phase, he did good work with getting me cleaned up."

"They do make a good team," Iwaizumi admitted. "I've seen a bit of it during our practice match."

"They have known each other since grade school," Tanaka said. "Anyone would be close after that much time together."

"Yeah," Oikawa said. "Just look at Iwa-chan and I."

"Shut it Shittykawa," Iwaizumi said, smacking him in the back of the head.

"Not the best example," Akaashi said, looking at the two. "Weren't Kenma and Kuroo friends since they were children."

"I wouldn't call us friends," Kenma said, crossing his arms. "I would call him the creep who always barged into my house and forced me to play volleyball with him. Not to mention that he would bother me at the ass crack of dawn while I was trying to play video games."

"Kenma's just kidding," Kuroo dismissed him with a smile. "We were super close."

Kenma stuck his tongue out at Kuroo, taking his phone out and sitting in a small corner, sounds from his video game filling the room.

They waited around for what seemed like hours. Kuroo and Yaku sat next to Kenma and watched as he played his game, occasionally asking questions or commenting on some stuff.

Akaashi had his head in Bokuto's lap as Bokuto gently played with his inky hair and they whispered things back and forth. Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Kageyama were talking about volleyball and shared experiences from junior high and high school.

Kiyoko and Yachi were cuddling on the floor and sometimes exchanging kisses and kind words.

Finally, Noya and Tanaka were messing around on the door frames- jumping to see who could touch higher, seeing who can do the most pull ups, and just doing boy things.

Most of them eventually fell asleep, barely bothering to go to their rooms until they heard some sort of news from Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.

Kenma snapped awake at the sound of a door and quickly checked his phone. The clock read 8:30 pm- so he missed dinner. He looked up and saw Suga standing right across from him, his back against the wall.

"Suga," he said, surprised. He hadn't seen SeeSuga since the incident that morning, and an unsettling feeling erupted in his gut. "Where have you been?"

"Just about, playing a few games and what not, Kenma-chan," Suga said, giggling softly.

Oikawa woke up to the talking, and saw Suga talking about Kenma. He stood up and stepped in between Suga and Kenma.

"Suga-chan," Oikawa said slowly, confusing Kenma. "Were you the one who did this to Chibi-chan?"

"Pointing fingers are we, Tooru-chan," Suga giggled maniacally. "Fair point. I am guilty as charged."

When Kenma heard this, a switch went off in his head, and before anyone could predict it, he was up and punched Suga to the floor, constantly hitting the silver haired setter.

Oikawa didn't want to stop Kenma- Suga was getting what he deserved, but deep in his heart, he knew none of this was any of their fault. The others were now awake as well, hearing Kenma scream and yell and helped Oikawa separate the two.

Suga laughed as he wiped the blood from his nose. "Thank you for that, Kenma-chan," Suga said with a sick smile on his face. He walked down the hall as the others tried to calm Kenma down.

"Ryu, I think it's best you share a room with me tonight," Noya added, looking at Suga with disbelief in his eyes.

"Couldn't agree more," Tanaka said, looking back and forth from Kenma and Suga.  

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