TEN: Special

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you p.o.v

You had been expecting Jimin to lead you to the benches right outside the sociology building or quad, perhaps—anywhere with a casual spot to talk.

Instead, he brought you to the bank.

"We'll just make a quick stop in here and then go grab some lunch, okay?" Jimin smiled, all the while guiding you with a firm, gentle grip on the small of your back. You could feel your face burning with the fear of being seen by someone you knew, even though you were off campus now, but that didn't seem to phase Jimin in the slightest.

"A-are....are you sure I should be in here with you?" you wondered as he took a number from the till and ushered you to sit in one of the plastic waiting chairs. "I don't want to invade your privacy or anything...I mean, I can wait outside here or—"

"No," Jimin's face grew stern as you went to get up, but that faded almost instantly, the usual lopsided grin returning. Taking your arm, he guided you back down to the seat. "You don't have to worry about that, y/n-a. We're not here for my banking. We're here for yours."

"Mine?" You felt your stomach begin to flip

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Mine?" You felt your stomach begin to flip. Perhaps....had you filed your taxes wrong? Had you missed a statement somehow, or misread the amount, causing your fees to fly off the charts? But how would Jimin know? Had Jihyo....

"I—wait a second," you blinked, realization suddenly dawning on you. "Did you hear about—"

"Customer Park Jimin?"

"That's us!" Jimin cheered, grip tightening on your arm as he dragged you over to the lit-up till. You glanced at the smiling lady, struggling to find the words to say but Jimin was already talking.

"I'd like to open another credit card under my account," your senior declared, popping a couple cards out of an embossed, black wallet. "Here's my bank ID and citizen number and—" Pushing the plastic bits over, he patted the back of your head, causing you to shrivel in alarm. "Give me the highest limit please."

You were so confused by this point all you could do was stare at Jimin as he watched the lady intently scan her computer screen. Of course, a part of you was sure that Jimin was about to give you a credit card for god knows why but the sheer absurdity of it made you think—most likely, most probably—that you were misunderstanding something. Maybe you hadn't heard properly; maybe the card was for him, and you would be daft to suggest otherwise....

"You have an excellent credit rating," the teller's voice drifted lazily through your inner turmoil. "So there are plenty of options. If you're just looking for simple purchases though, we have a 10 million starter option with an interest rate of 19%..."

Y/n, you have a right to ask what's going on. It's not like he's gonna bite your head off for asking, will he?


TRUST ME ((jimin YANDERE X Reader 21+))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora