FIVE: why me

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you p.o.v




What in the sweet snickerdoodles were you doing here?

You glanced again at the door, clasping your hands together stupidly with the full expectation that any minute, Yugyeom and Jihyo would march into this restaurant, sit down at the table, and make you feel like the tag-along again.

You weren't dumb. You had caught the caller ID on Park Jimin's phone.
The only question really left to ask at this point was why had you decided to come along in the first place?

"Steak sandwich combo with fries...."

You flushed as the waitress returned and placed the food down, her eyes hovering over Jimin's empty seat before going back to you.

"Let me know if you need anything," she said, flashing the I-am-a-decent-human smile before walking away. Sinking down in your seat, you tried not to pop a vessel with embarrassment imagining the things probably running through her head.

A girl like her, thinking she was on a date with him?

No wonder he dipped.

Wow, friendzoned much?

Yikes, how embarrassing.

"Sorry about that~"

You jerked your head up in alarm as Jimin re-took his seat across from you, tossing the hair out of his eyes. "Did you try the food yet?"

"Oh..." You looked down at it, your enthusiasm prior to the phone call of just letting go of your insecurity and talking to someone like him completely gone. "I didn't...."

Crap, what now?

"Should we....should we wait until the others get here first before we start to eat?" you suggested.

Jimin's face instantly changed from a smile to downright displeasure.

"What others?" he demanded.

Ok, wrong move.

"I mean..." you struggled to speak, feeling like an idiot "A-aren't Yugyeom and Ji----"

"Did you call them here? Without my permission?"

Now he was really angry.

"No, I d-didn't. I just thought you were telling them the d-directions here on the phone and--"

He suddenly broke into a fit of laughter, his jaw line tightening while his cheeks puffed out like a squashed mochi.

"No I was--" He subsided into laughter again, grabbing the fork from his napkin. "Aigoo, you're so cute. Let's eat."


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