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Awakening, I examined the walls of the room in a panic. Where was I? Did something happen? Where is Izuku?

Then the memories came back to me.

* * *

Hi. I'm (Y/N), and I am a former member of a small villain group called Crystallized. I once dreamt of being a hero, but inspite of attempting to ensue my dying dream, I ended up giving up. I don't exactly remember what had happened on the day I'd confessed to my love, and I don't know who 'Izuku' is.

Now that my introduction is over, let's get back to my story.

* * *

As I pull on my sweater hopelessly, my eyes look at the torn photo. It was one of me and this boy, holding hands at a cafe. I could tell I was happy back then, because it'd been years since I've seen my eyes widen and sparkle in the light.

Moving to my drawer, I slip off my nightwear pants and struggle to put leg after leg into my jeans. It's been years since I bothered to pay attention to what I wore. I only had a few clothes left in this run-down apartment, and I surely didn't care.

Stepping outside, I squint. The birds chirped and the trees rustled in the wind. Something was familiar. Something about the smell of the air, the fresh feeling of coldness hitting my face.

My lips curling into a smile slightly, I feel a tear drip down my cheek. Thinking back to my dream, I wondered if Izuku was real. I wondered if he'd arrive on time to meetings now, and not always be late.

I never knew what I wanted to tell Izuku. Did I love him? Was I a close friend? My mind drifted as I placed my handle on the rail infront of my apartment. It was cold and rusty, but that didn't bother me.

Shortly after, snapping into reality, I rushed down the stairs of my apartment complex, making my way two stories down. Pulling my keys out of my pocket, I eyed my car. It felt surreal that I'd been able to afford a car. Ever since I'd given up the villain gig, I was always too lazy to get a job.

But that was in the past. I forget about the small run-down apartment and set my mind straight to work. Stepping into my car, I grabbed the steering wheel with one hand and inserted the keys into the ignition hole. I heard the rumble of the car- and the vibration on my palm. Letting my foot off of the brake pedal, I turned the steering wheel and started to drive.

* * *

I'd made it to work, finally, and made a bright smile. Something about my smile was fake, yet it was exhilerating to start my first day of work. I hoped my hair wasn't too frizzy, since I wanted to make a good first impression. I felt the breeze on my face die down as I entered the building, clutching my other sleeve in anxiety. Excitement surged through me as I felt the warm A.C. hit the entirety of me immedietely.

I was dazed for a second, before a girl in a uniform walked up to me.

"Ah, you must be our new intern! I'm Aki, your caretaker for as long as your training needs. Come on, our shifts are about to start! Oh, and here, put this on!" She smiled. Her cheeks formed two dimples as her eyes widened in friendliness. Something about her was calming and I crossed my arms, not knowing where to put them.

"Thanks," I spoke quietly, a real smile slightly creeping onto my face.

"No problem!" Aki giggled. "Meet me in the staffs' kitchen when you're done," She spoke, waving as she walked off.

'Right..' I frowned. This'd be the hard part... since the uniforms completely confusing.

* * *

After putting on my uniform blouse poorly, I popped the tie on and fluffed the black skirt. Something about this seemed... highschoolish. Maybe that was the theme of this café. Stepping out of the changing stall, I brushed my (H/L) slightly, while making my way to the kitchen.

"Oh! There you are, (Y/N)! I was just about to get you since you're a little late~" She said in a sing-song teasing tone. "By the way, I LOVE your unique uniform style. So, you're a server, right? You'll need to learn proper server etiquette," Aki explained. I nodded, using and unsure smile. Aki's eyes glistened in excitement.

After Aki was teaching me basic etiquette, I had to start putting my small training to use. Looking around the room, holding a pen and pad. I spotted a boy with a brown-haired girl. Making my way up to them, I smiled warmly. But when the boy turned, I froze.

Freckles, green eyes, hair and beautiful lips. At first his hair seemed black but there was no mistaking it up close. For some reason, this was the doppelganger of my fictional dreamboy named Izuku.

"Oh, uhm, yes," I snapped back from my dazed state. "Hello! I'm your server for today. What would you like?"

"Could I please have an ice-cream?" The boy answered. "And I would like a strawberry flavoured milk ice-cream," The girl chimed in.

I looked at her beautiful brown eyes and rosy cheeks. Feeling a blush creep up on my face due to how pretty these two were, I looked away and at Aki. She gave me a thumbs up. Looking back and scribbling down words, I made a nervous smile. "Coming right up."

As soon as I'd walked away, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Aki looked at me weirdly, eventually speaking up.

"So, what was the order?" I handed her the notepad. After a few minutes of sending the order down to staff in the kitchen, Aki smiled. "Anyways, what was that about? Did'ja see a familiar face?"

"Oh, uhm, no! I just remember him... oh, that's basically the same thing," I groaned. It wasn't that bad letting her win but I had to keep up the act, y'know? I looked back at the boy, and walked up to him.

What am I doing? I smiled and quickly scribbled down a series of numbers and a few words, ripping the slip of paper off and folding it. Handing the folded piece of paper to the green-haired boy, I smiled. Walking off, I wheezed once more.

"Oh? Where did that come from, Mr. I'm-suddenly-confident?" Aki giggled, with a snort. "I just... felt like it," I replied, smiling bashfully.

Looking back, I could see the boy was staring at me. I blushed, quickly going to the next table.

* * *

I sighed in exhaustion. Looking back to the boys table, I could see a different geoup of people now. The sun had sunk quite a lot. My shift was almost over.

"Hey, Aki?" I beckoned her over, looking straight into her eyes. "Tell me, if you ever met an ordinary person who turned out to be a villain, what would you do?"

Aki looked at me confusedly. "Now that's suspicious. What's wrong, (Y/N)?" She questioned. "I just wanna know," I frowned.

"Well, I'd report them to the police. That'd be depending on how close I am to them, though," She smiled, her amber eyes sparkling.

An alarm went off and Aki checked her phone. "Seems like our shift's over,"

I smile. "By the way, Aki, do you have any plans tonight?" "No, why?"

I grin larger. "Wanna come to my place?"

Intertwining hands. (Izuku X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu