there'll always be a smile after a frown

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( one cuss word, just letting y'all know. unless you count hell as a cuss word then, there's two )


"well..  remember Cassidy?" Jaclyn started as she turned to me as she lowers her drink

"your cousin? yeah i recall.. what about her?" i stopped in my tracks, staring at the girl as i slowly felt a wave of concern rush over me

"well- you know she lives in Manchester right? her birthday is coming up in like- two days and i've to be there for her" the short-haired girl explained, taking a quick sip from her coffee 
"once my shift is over, my parents will pick me up and we'll immediately go there"

"Oh.." i was relieved to know that nothing bad happened, although my excitement from earlier then began to fade, "so you can't come?"

Jaclyn chuckled and put her cup down, "yeah sadly, hope you'll have fun with Perrie though!"

"yeah.. i'll miss you though" 

"i'll only be gone for a few days, hun! i promise we can hang loads once i'm back here"

i gave her a side smile and nodded, walking up to her and engulfing her in a bear hug "see ya later, Lyn"

i felt her patting my back gently "mhm, we can still call each other from time to time, yknow?" 

"yeah i know, i know" we both then pulled away and i waved her goodbye as i left the staff room.

just as i stepped out of the counter, i saw Perrie; she was waiting for me there with her arms on the countertop, she was looking at a window before she looked at me "So?" she asked with a hint of glee within her voice "what did she say? did she say yes??"

"unfortunately.." i sighed and shook my head at her, her lips then formed a small frown "aw.. i was looking forward to make more friends, but oh well.."

"at least we're going, right?"

"mhm!" she inclined, standing up straight as we then left the café we both sat on the bus stop and continued to chat. just like the last time we met, her dad came first and stopped right in front of us. however, before she entered the backseat of his car, she turned to me one last time,

"okay so, 2 or 3pm right? at Pizza Hut?"

"yes and yes" i gave her a bright smile, she held up an "ok" hand sign and got inside the car; rolling down the window just to wave me goodbye, i did the same of course, it would be rude to not wave someone goodbye as they left. and well, to end the day short; my dad came, took me home and i just continued my usual routine. i remember skyping with Perrie and Jaclyn on my laptop before i went to bed, really wished we could hang together tomorrow but oh well, can't change what's already happened.

(TimeSkip brought to you by "FISH AND... NOODLES")

i woke up feeling groggy as hell, i checked my alarm,  seeing that it was 11am, i thought i was late for work.. and because of that, my eyes went wide as i immediately hopped out of bed and get into the shower.

but as i turned the tap and the water pours down, my senses came back and i mentally facepalmed "you don't have a shift today, you absolute idiot.". despite giving myself a mini-scolding, i took my time with my shower; singing/belting while applying shampoo, nearly getting some in my eyes, quickly washing my eyes before a killer or a ghost gets me (i've seen horror movies, don't think i'm a brave person), etc.

i stepped out of the bathroom and just as i put simple tee and some shorts on, my phone rang. Picking it up, i didn't realize that i spent nearly 2 hours just from showering; the time on my phone now displaying 12:49pm. 

"hello..?" Perrie's voice suddenly went through my phone, "(Y/N) you there?"

"oh shit-" i mumbled to myself before i placed my phone against my ear, "hey Perrie, i kinda zoned out earlier- what's up?"

"just wanna ask if you're ready to go, cause i am!"

her excitement made me snicker, "Pez it's not even 1pm yet, i'm surprised at how early you are"
"can't help it!" her voice had a jumpy bit in it "i just can't wait to hang you- and to get some pizza too!"

"yeah, can't wait to get some too- i'm feeling pretty hungry right now"

"well, why wait any longer? let's just go!"

"alright, alright, want me to send you my address so you can pick me up?"

"okay! see ya in a bit!"

"see ya Pez!"

we both hung up and i sent Perrie my address. i decided to just keep my tee and switch my shorts to a pair of jeans, grabbing a handbag for my wallet, phone, keys, and anything else important/that fits in my bag.

after what felt like 30 minutes of waiting, i heard a car honking outside; i checked through my windows just to make sure and well, sure enough, it's Perrie and her dad waiting for me.

i locked all of my windows, closed the curtains and left my house, locking the door before i joined Perrie in the backseat. i texted my parents about me hanging out with Perrie and throughout the whole journey, we (yes, including her dad) sang along to the songs on the radio.

it was a loud car ride, but it sure as hell is a fun one

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