** ♥️🌟 Holly Erin Lynsay 🌟♥️ **

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Holly Erin Lynsay

Long Forgotten

It was 13 years to the day when Holly was finallly able to track them down and snatched her kids back.

She had an old trusted friend to help her once she located them.


Many days later, she had them both fully medically examined, read, assessed and deprogrammed because of who they were with before they were both woken.

She paced the room until they opened their eyes. She stopped and looked at both. They both froze seeing her then looked around them to see they had no idea where they were.

Erin said this is going to be hard to believe, but I'm your real birth mother. Where you'd been taken wasn't where you'd been born. Those that you lived with were complete and utter liars and not in anyway your family.

She stopped at her daughter and looked into her teary eyes and said I'd given birth to you and called you Cherish Lynsay as you were very precious to me. She looked at her son and said you were born first and I called you Alexander Warren. The people that took you had no rights to ever take you from me. They left me devastated.

Since that day they took you both from me, I swore that I'd get you both back. Your memories are foggy right now as I've taken you far away from them for our complete safety and many others are dealing with them for what they did.

Where I've taken you, I had both your memories read.  Her son Alex froze and asked where are we?  She smiled and said we are on lockdown, currently we are in England and like I said far away from where you were living with others.

She took her daughter's hand and said I know it's a shock. My full name is Holly Erin Lynsay Carruthers, I was only 15 when I conceived and later gave birth to you.  It was not in any way planned.

It was a total and complete shock to me as I had no idea at the time what truly happened to me.  Later it was all learned, that I'd been purposely drugged and dosed by those I'd lived with. Anyway, they weren't my birth parents more like guardians I was placed with.  They had a daughter who was a year older than me. They are who took you both from me and totally disappeared.

Cherish said your our mother, for real?  Holly nodded and said that's right.  You've both been DNA tested to verify it as well.

She sat on the bed and said my birth parents, your grandparents, both died the year I was 13. It devastated me. I was placed with the guardians as they stepped up and said they'd take me in and treat me like their own.

I had no idea how really twisted and evil they truly were. She sighed deeply and said we've learned who your birth father is and it's been verified. He's been contacted.

Anyway, after I gave birth and they'd taken you from me and disappeared, I couldn't stay there. I was sent away and placed in a strict boarding school, then at 18, I was enrolled in the American Academy. I graduated with top honors at 21. When I left, I travelled and searched high and low for you both.

You have no idea how I truly felt once I tracked you both down. When I did find you, I called in help.

She hugged her daughter and said you Cherish look so like my mother at her age, your grandmother. She had the same gorgeous wavy hair. Cherish smiled and said unlike you.  Holly smiled and said yeah, I look more like my dad's, your grandfather's side of the family.  She said and you Alex look more like your birth father.

She quickly pulled Alex over as he'd moved closer and they hugged and she said your both truly wanted and loved by me, no matter what.

All our lives I guess are truly changing. Your birth father and his father, your other grandfather are arriving soon. I'm told they are truly angry. Not at either of you, but with me. They are saying I planned it all which is not true. They haven't been told the circumstances surrounding what truly happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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