Chapter 14

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I tapped my pencil against the side of my head as I rewrote some of the notes. I had to admit, it sounded okay, but I needed to sound perfect.

"Hey buddy, practicing?" Niall asked as he leaned over my shoulder.
"Yeah." I replied, still concentrating on the sheets of music.

"Hey, you don't mind if Harry comes over do you?" Niall asked, a sly grin behind his question.
I narrowed my eyes at the blonde boy.
"Why would he need to come over?"

" and him are partners for this civics project. We have to work on our backboard together and there is no way I'm going to his house. It's a total mess and Danielle always hangs around there." Niall shrugged. "So I figured he could come here."

I groaned. "Why can't you just meet up somewhere? Like the library or something? You guys are going to distract me!"

Niall only laughed. "Too late Lou. Besides, will be quiet!"

Niall, Harry, and quiet do not mix.

There was a harsh banging at the door.

Niall ran to get it. "Harry! My man!" Niall greeted.
"Hey Ni!" Harry smiled as Niall ruffled his deep curls.

"Hope you don't mind Louis being here. He's just doing this thing for the show thing."

Nice one Niall....

"That's fine. We'll be the ones working together anyway." Harry added.

The two of them ran to the living room.

I went back to focusing on my project. "Hey there Delilah..."

There was a crash and laughter from the living room. They sounded like they were having so much fun. They needed to focus on their project!

"Hey there Delilah..."

I threw my music down. I sat back in my chair. I couldn't sing this.

"Don't make it beat you." A voice said.

I turned around.


"Go away. Leave me alone. I'm trying to practice and you guys are having the greatest time in there. You need to be focused if you want a good grade!" I exclaimed.

"Niall told me to wait out here while he cleans up our mess." Harry snickered.

I ignored him. I'm not falling for this 'All of a sudden nice Harry' thing.

Harry sat down in the chair across from mine.

I tried not to look up.

"Whatcha singing anyways?" He asked.
I wanted to correct him on his grammar but I decided against it.

"Hey There Delilah."

"Oh. I know that song. It came on the radio this one time." Harry explained. I hated his grammar....

"Sure. Okay. Cool." I muttered. I wrote in more notes.

Harry just stared at me.

"Crap! I still gave math homework!" I ran to grab my book bag.

Harry beat me to it. He grabbed my bag and slung it across the room.

I watched as all my books and papers spilled out across the floor.

"Harry! Stop screwing up my life! That was organized!!" I yelled as I ran to pick it up. Harry laughed. I forced my tears to not come running down my face.

Harry shoved my out of the way and kicked my bag.
"Stop!" I cried. Why was he doing this? Why was he so cruel?

Harry suddenly stopped laughing.
"Are you crying?"

I blinked really fast and whipped my face with the back of my hand.

He watched my face expression, cocking his head to one side, as if trying to figure me out.

"I wasn't trying to make you upset." Harry muttered.

I rolled my eyes.

"Kick it."

"Excuse me?"

"Kick your bag." Harry suddenly smiled.

"No, I don't know what your trying to do.."

"Kick the bag Louis."

I didn't know why I was obeying Harry of all people, but I kicked my book bag across the room.

Harry smiled and grabbed my papers and threw them everywhere. They came falling upon us, and Harry starting dancing.
He was a really bad dancer, but I danced too.

I didn't know for sure, but I think I saw Niall peek out with a smile.

Bullied By Harry Styles **On hold**Where stories live. Discover now