Chapter 34

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➸ Niall never showed up that night. I was forced to walk home alone, their was no way I was spending the night at Harry's after what had happened. Besides, he'd probably rape me.

My shoes hid the feeling of the cool cement as I walked in the deep night. It was probably around one as I walked home in the silence of the sleeping neighborhood.

My feet finally grew so tired I could barley walk. I took a seat on the side of the road, turned in feet and rested my hands on my knees. I cupped my face with my cold hands.

My hand suddenly became warm as a hot tear burned my skin.

I looked up at the stars. Each twinkled in delight, with happiness. Each knew their place. Did I know mine?

I looked down at my pajamas bottoms and Harry's T-shirt I grabbed randomly. I couldn't help but notice it smelled like him.

I remembered when I attempted to impress the boy. It seemed like such time had passed since, but it was only a week or two ago in time.

I had borrowed Niall's apparently cool all black look. I admit, I liked myself for the occasion...but it wasn'

My whole life...I've always been known as the 'nerd'....or 'unpopular one.'
Makes since because it's all true.

I guess I felt...I don't Knowing Harry Edward Styes.
The most popular boy on campus.

When I saw him....I saw something in him too.
Sure...he was mean as all get out. The bad kid....but I guess what's why everyone adored him. He didn't care about the consequences.

But it was all just a fake friendship.

Harry hated my guts, like everyone else, besides Liam, who everyone hated secondary to me.

Harry and Danielle had their little romance kicking in while I stood watching on the sidelines. As an easy target to make fun of.

Truth is, Niall was wrong. I know I keep repeating myself, but I can't seem to get myself to believe what I'm saying.

I don't like Harry.
I don't have a crush on Harry.
I'm not in love with Harry.
I'm a boy.
He's a man.

I screamed at myself.

The words taunting me.

I was in love with Harry Edward Styles.

Was Niall right all along?

I felt a drop of cold rain drop upon my forehead. My tears came with it.

There's no hiding...I can't anymore. I have to face the facts.

I love Harry.

➸Sorry it's so short ! It's like 12:10 over here. I'm tired. Thanks for reading ! Goodnight!

Bullied By Harry Styles **On hold**Where stories live. Discover now