| 17 - Alexi |

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As we finally arrive in Italy, I gently shake Isabella awake, and we sit back in our seats for landing.

"I haven't been back here since I left you that last day," she says, looking out the window. "I missed how beautiful it is."

"I know, I had people watching the borders and all incoming transport in hopes of finding you again," I admit.

"Wow, you really missed me that much?"

"Of course I did, amore, you're my world. My reason for breathing. My everything."

"I didn't realize you thought about me that much. I figured you forgot about me."

"I thought about you every second of every minute of every day that you were gone. I went insane after you disappeared—anyone who made me even the slightest bit mad ended up tortured and brutally killed. I practically went on a rampage."

"Wow, I had no idea."

We sit in a comfortable silence until we're able to exit the plane and get comfortable in the back of the limo. Christian watches cartoons on the small television while Isabella rests her head in my lap. Stroking her hair, I admire her face and smile. When we finally pull up to the house, Christian jumps out of the car, desperately needing to pee.

"The house looks exactly the same," Isabella laughs.

"I've made a few changes. You'll see. Now let's get the little guy to a bathroom before he explodes."

I lead them in through the front door and show Christian the bathroom right next to the kitchen. Seeing Isabella back in my house makes my heart full, and all of my worries drift away momentarily.

"Don, there's something you should see," one of my men says as they approach.

"I will come see it later, just take care of it for now," I respond, waving him away.

"Boss, you really need to see this now," he insists.

"Fine," I grunt before turning to address Isabella, "you remember where my bedroom is, right? It's ours now, so get comfortable. Don't leave the house and if you need anything, Matteo will be around."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine, go do what you need to do."

"I love you Isabella, I'll be right back," I say, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. I follow Rico to my office and sit down at my desk, where Isabella's photo still sits. I'll need to add a picture of Christian, and maybe a better photo of her.

"We found this right outside the gates of the property early this morning, but there's nothing on the cameras other than a figure. We don't know who left it," Rico informs. He puts a photo of Isabella and Christian on my desk with their faces scratched out. The words "we are coming for them" are scribbled on the bottom of the photo in red marker. It's a threat—a very obvious threat.

"I want everyone available on this. I want to know who left it, when they left it, if there's any DNA, everything," I demand.

"We tried, all we know is someone left it yesterday between three and five in the morning. Like I said, there are no clear identifiers showing on the security tapes. We'll increase security and stay alert, but I don't think there's much more information we can gather from this."

"Rico, I want to know mio amore and mio figlio are safe, so get this sorted out."

He nods and leaves, giving me space to have a moment alone. I return to the kitchen to find Isabella and Christian talking and giggling over a shared bowl of strawberry ice cream. I'm glad Rico stocked up when I told him we were coming back; I guess our son inherited his mom's favorite ice cream.

"I have something to show you both," I announce in excitement.

"Is it going to harm, scare, or upset either of us?" she asks cautiously.

"No, I promise."

"Then that sounds good, just let me clean up this little monster's face," she chuckles as she points to Christian's ice-cream covered face. The pink, melted liquid is practically dripping from his chin. She uses a napkin to clean him up before turning back to me. "Okay, let's see this surprise you have for us."

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