I Told You I Would (Heimdall x Reader) 🍋

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Okay so I was going to do one for Buddha and Forseti and I PROMISE I will, but one of my friends gave me an idea and I love it, as for now this had to be done, also reader in this is a surviving god of one of the rounds in recovery))

You had been in recovery marking down every note of how much pain you were in, you weren't writing it down but mentally, the pain would be compressed into your brain forever. You looked around the room shivering, it was cold and dark, almost like a dungeon, at this point you had almost wished you were the one who died. What would the gods do to you now? Watch you suffer? It came to be around the end of ragnarok when you had closed your eyes and laid your head back, not caring who won.

Beside you was Jack who was standing up perfectly fine, like nothing happened, "hey you, stay next to me, I need some company right now" sure you were weak and considering he already killed a god he could kill you too, it really didn't mean much though, it didn't scare you and you saw him as more than a monster.

Jack turned his head towards you "yeah, don't do anything suspicious, I can tell you're sad" you shook your head at that, whatever the hell that meant, plus why would he be worried if you were in this state.

"So because I'm sad means I'm suspicious?" You asked confused. You had no idea what he was trying to get at here but he was right about one thing, you were sad about having to kill someone, and not even getting a bit of recognition. Not to mention that people in the arena wanted you dead and that hurt worse than anything.

"People do questionable things when they're in pain, I'm not scared of you, I am however worried, you got an emotional attachment to your opponent aye?" He was definitely onto something, it wasn't your opponent that you fell for in the ring, it was the announcer. In fact you had liked him for so long but you had been judged for it, you pushed your feelings aside for so long and tried to seem normal and it only pained you over the years. Anytime you had even mentioned him, you were judged, so instead you dated the most attractive gods you could find and tried to seem normal.

"No, it was Heimdall" you confessed to Jack, you were afraid to admit those feelings to anyone else but now, you laid your feeling out on the table to Jack, you trusted him too. He looked slightly surprised when you had said that, but he didn't judge.

"He's a nice person" Jack said leaning against the wall and lighting a cigar, you couldn't help but look at him being that cigar was nearly the only light source here. "His color isn't bad, he seems friendly and loving through my point of view, I can tell by his colors that he has a good heart"

"Yeah colors" you said nearly laughing. It wasn't something you took seriously about Jack but he understood people better than anyone. "Actually that makes me feel better, and just to let you know.... I'm sorry about Heracles" you said before coughing up blood. There was nothing anyone could do for you now, the pain and wounds were too serious.

"You won't die, I'll tell you that," Jack said before turning a lamp on, "I hope to see you again as well if you choose to come back to Valhalla" not that he had feelings for you. He still cared for Heracles that he accidentally caught feelings for in the arena, but seeing how nice you and Heracles were, definitely changed his view on how he saw the gods. He left the lamp on the table next to you and left.

You had thought for a second, humans weren't so bad and Jack happened to be one of the humans she would owe a huge thanks too "don't worry, I'm coming back" you muttered after he left, a few seconds later you had fell asleep.

Come a few hours later you woke up in the same dark room, the lamp was still on but you had someone next to you. You rubbed your eyes and turned your head before jumping in surprise "oh shit!"

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