Is This All You Do (Forseti x Reader)🍋

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Okay I finally got to it! Yes! Here we go, also the italics are what the reader is thinking, not saying ))

It had only been a few minutes into the first fight with Thor and Lu Bu, that you were annoyed as hell. Beside you was Forseti, screaming his face off. "Dear lord, why did I choose to sit here" you asked yourself already wanting to punch this guy. It wasn't even enjoyable to watch because of him. It had only been a good four seconds before his last scream fest and you got all hopeful, thinking he lost his voice and could finally shut up. You smiled for a little bit before he popped up again and started screaming when Thor had his chest sliced open. "I've had it with this motherfucker!"

You got up and slapped Forseti across the face, leaving a mark on him "shut the fuck up! You scream more than the announcer and that fucking yandere boy over there" you said pointing at Chen Gong, Forseti looked at you in fear while shaking. "Oh shit, aww I feel bad now, I didn't mean this" you looked around the arena and turned back to the white haired teen. "Okay I'm sorry for hurting you but can you please just... be quiet"

He nodded and pushed his glasses up his nose "alright" you sighed out of guilt and looked down at him with your arms crossed, Forseti looked up and stayed still, trying to avoid anymore problems. You saw that and grinned.

"Tch scoot over kid, make room for me" you said in a more friendly way. Forseti scooted over and looked away fearfully, you could tell that this boy was indeed a coward. "Hey I'm sorry for slapping the fanboy outta you, are you okay" you said lifting up his chin up as you sat next to him, just to see if he had any bruises.

"Yeah I'm fine" the boy responded. He seemed to be the most weak out of the Norse gods, or so he appeared to be. His nose started bleeding, not much but just a little.

"Damn am I so hot that I turn you on to the point of nosebleeds" you joked before letting his head go. Forseti blushed heavily at that comment and started bleeding more. "Oh boy would you look at that, it looks like I am your kin" you said grabbing a tissue from your bag and wiping the blood off.

"Hey, you slapped me, of course I'm going to bleed" he said in a victim sounding voice. You laughed at that and threw the tissue away "heck I mean this boy is cute, maybe I can get a night of fun with him"

"Yeah so what, tell you what, after this fight I'll make it up to you, sound good" you asked tracing your finger down his jawline while blushing. The fight was nearly over at this moment. "You can be a good boy right?" Forseti looked at you and jumped at your touch as he blushed a deep red.

"Yeah, I-I-I-I..." he trailed off before you gently grabbed his chin and pulled him into a loving kiss. It caught a few people's attention but not much, they stayed paying attention to the fight anyways. Forseti's eyes widened in shock while feeling a rush of adrenaline. He sat there in shock while you still had your lips on his. It took him a while but after a few seconds he gave into the kiss and you slid your tongue in his mouth. That caused him another wave of shock, he sat there, setting his hand on your cheek as he barely kissed back. It still counted though. You pulled away from him and crossed your legs, sitting forward like nothing happened. "Ah?! Hey there! Why did you-" your turned your eyes towards him and blushed while licking your lips. In a way it was scary for him because it seemed psychotic but it was definitely hot enough to shut him up. You quickly turned your eyes back to the fight and watched as Thor won.

Seeing the look on Chen Gong's face after Lu Bu's loss made you want to puke. You had been in that spot before, your last partner had died and it was nearly impossible to move on. You saw the human boy cry, he was a yandere like you, it felt like deja vu just watching him "don't worry kid, you aren't alone" you muttered underneath your breath.

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