Chapter 4

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“(F/n)!” A voice called


“Are you not going to speak?”

“What is it?”

“Haaaa. You’re really irritating.” The blonde sighed, clutching his head to show his irritation.

“You’ve told me that already.”

The two figures can be seen in the cold and dimmed office. One stood while the other sat on the wooden chair. It was non other than You and Kurapika.

“You’re really brave, aren’t you?” Kurapika snickered. “Not even afraid to irritate a pure blood vampire, such as myself?”

“I am not as brave as you have stated. But what can I do?” You shrugged. “I can irritate you without the need to do anything.”

“(F/n) I really suggest that you don’t irritate me any further.”

The corner of Kurapika’s mouth twitched as he clenched his hands, holding back his anger. Is he really torturing you? Why does it feel like he is the being tortured instead?

“Anger issues.” You whispered under your breath.

“What did you say? Speak louder.”

“I didn’t say anything! Nothing at all!”

Kurapika stared at you, his gray eyes piercing at you, making you flinch and avoided his gaze. Whether its Gray or Scarlet, his cold eyes always seems to see right through you when it’s serious, and it scares you every time.


He took a deep breath.

“You really won’t admit? I’m giving you a chance at this moment.”

“No. No matter how you threaten me, I’ll never admit.”

He pursed his lips and fell into a deep thought.

‘You were a stubborn one, that was for sure.’ He thought

But so was he. Both were stubborn, and it was only a matter of time that either one of you will give in. It is like a prolonged game that seems to not end, but that was not the case. One most lose in this so-called game. And Kurapika planned to win.

Noticing his sudden silence, you pondered.

‘What could he be thinking now?’

Knock knock

The knocking on the door interrupted Kurapika’s train of thoughts, snapping him back to reality. He regained his posture, switching back to his cold demeanor.

“Come in.”

He spoke

The door slowly opened, revealing a trembling servant. “Master, sir Paradinight is currently waiting in the parlour.”

“Very well, I will be there.” Kurapika stood up from the chair, heading towards the door.


He turned around looking back at you, staring at you without speaking. You stared back at him, your questioning gaze directed at him. As if to ask ‘Why are you looking at me?’

“Bring (F/n) back to her room.”

He stated, continuing on his steps, not looking back at you.

“I can walk there by myself.” You interfered.


“I am not a child!”

Ignoring your complaints, Kurapika walked out of the door heading toward the room where his friend waited. He has no idea why Leorio suddenly came here, but has a guess that it has something to do with you.

It was obvious.

It may not seem like it, but he knew that his friend us concerned about you. Leorio may be a vampire, but he was kind hearted.

He sometimes felt it was idiotic, but also admires it himself. That was because, despite going though a lot of hardships, Leorio still maintained that persona that he couldn't continue.

He was after all, a man whose filled with hatred and anger. The once innocent him had long been gone into abyss. Quickly disappeared as the lives of his dead family.

He could not forget. No. He would never forget and forgive. Not until those bastards manage to kill him themselves, until then, he shall wait quietly and become storage room and more prepared.

Not long after, he faced the double door, waiting for the servant in front of him to open the door, before entering without letting out a word.

"What a way to greet a guest. If I didn't know any better, I would thought you came here to kill an annoying pest." Leorio loudly complained.

"But aren't you?" Kurapika rolled his eyes


"Sometimes I feel like we aren't friends at all." The tall man grumbled, slouching on the soft couch, not slightly caring about his appearance.

"Pay attention to your posture, Leorio." He commanded, the side of his lips twitching in irritants.

"Forgive me then kind sir, I am not a noble such as thee." Leorio sarcastically remarked.

"And to think that an idiot as you used such words, it's surprising."

Kurapika sat in front of the other man, slightly relaxing on the soft couch, gazing at the wine glass presented before him.

Animal blood.

As a vampire, it was not shocking that they have desires to drink blood. But Kurapika have not ever tried human blood, only drinks the blood if some animals hunted by his servants.

Though it might be the case, Kurapika had read in a book before that the blood of a human carries a sweet taste that fills the hunger of a vampire. It was said that once tasted, one can never go back to drink the blood of any other.

So to say, every vampire has it's own preference in how sweet they prefer the blood. Once founded, one will only have the desire to drink that blood until the human that held that sweet taste dies.

Vampires in fact lives longer than humans.

Whether it was true or not, he doesn't have any desire to drink those so-called "sweet taste" at all.

"So, what do you want to talk about regarding them?" He asked, picking up the wine glass, swirling it before taking a sip.

"As expected, you already knew." Leorio sighed


"Tch! Arrogant." Leorio made a sound. "Anyway, I want to request that you take it easy on them."

The made the blonde took a momentary pause. Take it easy? What was that suppose to mean?

"By 'taking it easy' you mean…?" Kurapika narrowed his eyes

"Don't make them suffer too much, after all they are still unintentionally involved in the situation." Leorio explained, sighing at the end of his sentence.

"Intentionally or not, it doesn't change the fact that they are involved." Kurapika retorted.

"Kurapika, they are just an Innocent human involved in this to protect their dear friend. For me and you, this kind of friendship is what we both value the most."

"I know. You don't need to remind me."

Kurapika tighten his hold on the wine glass, his lips pursing.

"It's true that I want to torture them, but...if they weren't in any case involved in this situation, I might have truly admired them."

But that wasn't the case at all.

Right now, it didn't matter to him whether you we're a great friend or not. What matters most to him now, is to find the mastermind of the thievery of his pendant.

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