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Aang and Katara could only stare at each other, both at a loss of words from what had just happened. It was clear to them that they had both participated in the kiss, but neither of them could see if it was because they liked each other or if it was for another reason.

After a few moments of complete silence, it was Katara who decided that she wouldn't let it continue any longer. "So… what does this mean?" she asked quietly, almost shyly as she found herself still in a bit of a daze from their kiss.

"I don't know," Aang admitted with a blush as he looked away. "What does it mean to you?"

Seeing that they were just going to keep talking in circles if they kept going like this, the young waterbender decided to just be honest with him. "I… I like you, Aang," she admitted, making his eyes widen in surprise.

"Y-you do?" he couldn't help but stutter a little, making Katara laugh as she saw how surprised he was at this.

"Aye, I do. I don't know why," she told him as she looked out at the sea. "I've never felt this way about anyone before, but I do." Her voice became a little shy. "Do you… like me?"

Aang couldn't help but blink in surprise, wondering why she even had to ask that question. He thought he had been rather obvious with how he felt about her, but apparently not. "Aye, I do," he finally managed to get out, despite the fact that he was still surprised to hear that she felt the same as he did.

"Really?" she asked hopefully with the beginnings of a smile, making him chuckle as he found that he couldn't believe that she was so uncertain of how he felt about her.


"Katara," she corrected him with a smile, making him smile back at her before he continued.

"Katara, I thought that I was being obvious with how I feel about you," he laughed, making her laugh as well as she thought about it.

"Well, Toph said that she knew how you felt about me, but she wouldn't tell me," she thought aloud as she looked up at her forehead as if she was trying to look into her mind. "Sokka teased me, but he never said if he knew that you liked me or not."

A look of confusion crossed over Aang's face as he heard this. "Sokka teased you about liking me?" he asked, to which Katara nodded. "When did that happen? I don't remember him teasing you about anything like that."

"That's because Sokka had the decency to tease me when you weren't around," Katara told him with a roll of her eyes as she thought of her friend. "Toph on the other hand didn't."

Aang's eyes widened in realization as he remembered something. "Like on the beach today."

Katara nodded as she rolled her eyes. "Aye, like on the beach today. That's why I got mad at her," she admitted reluctantly, making him laugh as he saw the clearly unamused look on her face.

"Well, I can't say I don't understand why you got mad," he began with a smile as he cupped her cheek in his hand, making her frown turn to a smile. "Though I do wish that I had known why you were mad. It would have made things a lot easier for me."

"Aye, probably," Katara agreed with a smile, finding herself unable to move as he pulled her back in for another kiss, once again making her heart beat faster and her insides feel like they were melting as she kissed him back. This time, he kept it short, leaving her a bit disappointed as he pulled away.

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